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Sacred mobilisations: sanctuary churches and sanctuary schools
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2021.1917339
Bruce A. Collet 1 , Luis Fernando Macías 2


This paper compares two modern sanctuary institutions primarily construed for undocumented peoples in the U.S.; Christian-based church sanctuaries, and public-school districts that have declared themselves as ‘sanctuaries.’ Through examination of 10 church sanctuary resolutions and 10 school district resolutions from across the country, the study inquires about the extent to which sanctuary school districts and churches similarly provide not only material but also symbolic protection for undocumented individuals and families. Herein we examine the extent to which school districts mirror those of churches, towards the goal of understanding how sanctuary itself is being framed and practiced in the U.S. Working with Hilary Cunningham’s framing of sanctuary movements, as well as David Kertzer’s Ritual, Politics, and Power, our analysis suggests that churches and public-school districts are strikingly similar in their sanctuary legitimation and community mobilisation processes, even if the content of their resolutions differ.




本文比较了两个主要为美国无证人士设立的现代庇护机构;以基督教为基础的教堂圣所,以及自称“圣所”的公立学区。通过对来自全国各地的 10 项教会避难所决议和 10 项学区决议的审查,该研究询问了避难所学区和教会在多大程度上同样为无证个人和家庭提供了物质保护和象征性保护。在这里,我们研究了学区在多大程度上反映了教堂的情况,以了解在美国如何构建和实践圣所本身 与希拉里·坎宁安(Hilary Cunningham)的圣所运动框架以及大卫·科策(David Kertzer)的仪式、政治和权力合作,我们的分析表明,教会和公立学区在其圣所合法化和社区动员过程中惊人地相似,即使它们的决议内容不同。
