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Amnesia, aphasia and amnesty: the articulations of Italian colonial memory in postwar films (1946–1960)
Modern Italy ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1017/mit.2021.30
Gianmarco Mancosu

This article aims to expose the political and cultural processes that contributed to the eradication of problematic memories of the Italian colonial period during the national reconstruction following the Second World War. It offers a systematic examination of newsreels and documentaries about the Italian former colonies that were produced between 1946 and 1960, a film corpus that has largely been neglected by previous scholarship. The article first dissects the ambiguous political scenario that characterised the production of this footage through the study of original archival findings. The footage configured a particular form of self-exculpatory memory, which obstructed a thorough critique of the colonial period while articulating a new discourse about the future presence of Italy in the former colonies. This seems to be a case of aphasia rather than amnesia, insofar as the films addressed not an absence, but an inability to comprehend and articulate a critical discourse about the past. This aphasic configuration of colonial memories will be tackled through a close reading of the voice-over and commentary. In so doing, this work suggests that the footage actively contributed to spread un-problematised narratives and memories about the colonial period, whose results still infiltrate Italian contemporary society, politics and culture.



本文旨在揭露在二战后的国家重建过程中,有助于消除意大利殖民时期有问题的记忆的政治和文化进程。它对 1946 年至 1960 年间制作的关于意大利前殖民地的新闻片和纪录片进行了系统的审查,这是一个在很大程度上被以前的学术忽视的电影语料库。本文首先通过对原始档案发现的研究,剖析了制作这段视频的模棱两可的政治场景。这段录像构成了一种特殊形式的自责记忆,它阻碍了对殖民时期的彻底批判,同时阐明了关于意大利未来在前殖民地的存在的新论述。这似乎是失语症而不是健忘症,因为这些电影解决的不是缺席,而是无法理解和表达对过去的批判性话语。通过仔细阅读画外音和评论,将解决这种殖民记忆的失语配置。在这样做的过程中,这项工作表明,这些镜头积极地有助于传播关于殖民时期的毫无问题的叙述和记忆,其结果仍然渗透到意大利当代社会、政治和文化中。