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Journal of Occupational Health ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.1002/1348-9585.12230

In Watanabe et al,1 the following error was published in Table 4.

Column, ‘Non‐smoker (N = 78)’, row, ‘LDL‐Chol (mg/dL)’

3.30 (2.55‐3.4.25)

The text was incorrect and should have read:

3.30 (2.55‐4.25)

The corrected Table 4 is below:

TABLE 4. Health examination factors and urinary 8‐OHdG levels in obese (BMI: >25 kg/m2) subjects
Factors Category Total (= 139) Non‐smoker (= 78) Smoker (N=61)
N 8‐OHdG N 8‐OHdG N 8‐OHdG
BP (mm Hg) SBP: <140 and DBP: <90 118 3.20 (2.40‐4.10) 66 3.00 (2.30‐4.10) 52 3.40 (2.70‐4.50)
SBP: ≥140 or DBP: ≥90 21 3.40 (3.00‐4.30) 12 3.35 (2.80‐3.65) 9 4.30 (3.00‐5.10)
BS (mg/dL) <110 123 3.20 (2.40‐4.10) 68 3.10 (2.30‐4.10) 55 3.30 (2.65‐4.05)
≥110 16 4.25 (2.85‐5.10) 10 3.25 (2.20‐3.80) 6 5.90 (4.70‐7.10)**** P<.01, by Mann‐Whitney test.
TG (mg/dL) <300 133 3.20 (2.50‐4.10) 75 3.10 (2.30‐4.05) 58 3.45 (2.70‐4.70)
≥300 6 3.70 (2.20‐4.30) 3 3.30 (2.60‐3.70) 3 4.30 (3.25‐4.55)
HDL‐Chol (mg/dL) <40 7 2.90 (2.75‐4.65) 4 2.85 (2.75‐4.20) 3 3.80 (3.00‐5.80)
≥40 132 3.25 (2.40‐4.10) 74 3.15 (2.30‐4.10) 58 3.45 (2.70‐4.70)
LDL‐Chol (mg/dL) <140 92 3.35 (2.55‐4.35) 48 3.30 (2.55‐4.25) 44 3.60 (2.55‐4.80)
≥140 47 3.00 (2.40‐3.55) 30 2.90 (2.20‐3.40)** P<.05, by Mann‐Whitney test.
17 3.40 (3.00‐3.60)
AST (U/L) <36 113 3.20 (2.40‐4.10) 59 3.30 (2.25‐3.85) 54 3.50 (2.70‐4.30)
≥36 26 3.20 (2.80‐4.50) 19 3.30 (2.85‐4.15) 7 3.00 (2.60‐5.05)
ALT (U/L) <41 89 3.40 (2.40‐4.30) 47 3.20 (2.20‐4.10) 42 3.50 (2.80‐4.30)
≥41 50 3.15 (2.70‐4.10) 31 3.10 (2.75‐3.60) 19 3.30 (2.55‐4.70)
γ‐GTP (U/L) <81 111 3.20 (2.50‐4.10) 61 3.10 (2.40‐4.10) 50 3.50 (2.70‐4.30)
≥81 28 3.30 (2.30‐4.25) 17 3.30 (2.20‐3.70) 11 3.40 (2.85‐4.75)
UA (mg/dL) <8 111 3.30 (2.40‐4.30) 60 3.15 (2.25‐4.10) 51 3.50 (2.75‐4.80)
≥8 28 3.10 (2.80‐3.40) 18 3.10 (2.90‐3.30) 10 3.05 (2.50‐3.60)
Hb (g/dL) ≤13 1 1.10 1 1.10
>13 138 3.25 (2.50‐4.10) 77 3.10 (2.30‐4.10) 61 3.50 (2.70‐4.70)


  • Urinary 8‐OHdG (ng/mg creatinine) levels were median (25th quartile–75th quartile).
  • Abbreviations: 8‐OHdG, 8‐hydroxy‐2′‐deoxyguanosine; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartic aminotransferase; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; BS, blood sugar; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; Hb, hemoglobin; HDL‐Chol, high‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol; LDL‐Chol, low‐density lipoprotein‐cholesterol; SBP, systolic blood pressure; TG, triglyceride; UA, uric acid;γ‐GTP, γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase.
  • * P<.05, by Mann‐Whitney test.
  • ** P<.01, by Mann‐Whitney test.

The authors apologize for this error.




列``不吸烟(N = 78)''行,``低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(mg / dL)''





表4.肥胖(BMI:> 25 kg / m 2)受试者的健康检查因素和尿中8-OHdG水平
影响因素 类别 总计( = 139) 非吸烟者( = 78) 烟民(N = 61)
ñ 8-羟基 ñ 8-羟基 ñ 8-羟基
血压(毫米汞柱) SBP:<140,DBP:<90 118 3.20(2.40-4.10) 66 3.00(2.30‐4.10) 52 3.40(2.70-4.50)
SBP:≥140或DBP:≥90 21岁 3.40(3.00-4.30) 12 3.35(2.80-3.65) 9 4.30(3.00-5.10)
BS(毫克/分升) <110 123 3.20(2.40-4.10) 68 3.10(2.30‐4.10) 55 3.30(2.65-4.05)
≥110 16 4.25(2.85-5.10) 10 3.25(2.20-3.80) 6 5.90(4.70-7.10)**** P <.01,通过曼惠特尼检验。
TG(毫克/分升) <300 133 3.20(2.50-4.10) 75 3.10(2.30-4.05) 58 3.45(2.70-4.70)
≥300 6 3.70(2.20-4.30) 3 3.30(2.60-3.70) 3 4.30(3.25-4.55)
高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(mg / dL) <40 7 2.90(2.75-4.65) 4 2.85(2.75-4.20) 3 3.80(3.00-5.80)
≥40 132 3.25(2.40-4.10) 74 3.15(2.30-4.10) 58 3.45(2.70-4.70)
低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(mg / dL) <140 92 3.35(2.55-4.35) 48 3.30(2.55-4.25) 44 3.60(2.55-4.80)
≥140 47 3.00(2.40-3.55) 30 2.90(2.20-3.40)** P <.05,通过曼惠特尼检验。
17 3.40(3.00-3.60)
AST(U / L) <36 113 3.20(2.40-4.10) 59 3.30(2.25-3.85) 54 3.50(2.70-4.30)
≥36 26 3.20(2.80-4.50) 19 3.30(2.85-4.15) 7 3.00(2.60-5.05)
ALT(U / L) <41 89 3.40(2.40-4.30) 47 3.20(2.20-4.10) 42 3.50(2.80-4.30)
≥41 50 3.15(2.70-4.10) 31 3.10(2.75-3.60) 19 3.30(2.55-4.70)
γ‐GTP(U / L) <81 111 3.20(2.50-4.10) 61 3.10(2.40-4.10) 50 3.50(2.70-4.30)
≥81 28岁 3.30(2.30-4.25) 17 3.30(2.20-3.70) 11 3.40(2.85-4.75)
UA(毫克/分升) <8 111 3.30(2.40-4.30) 60 3.15(2.25‐4.10) 51 3.50(2.75-4.80)
≥8 28岁 3.10(2.80-3.40) 18岁 3.10(2.90-3.30) 10 3.05(2.50-3.60)
血红蛋白(g / dL) ≤13 1个 1.10 1个 1.10 -
> 13 138 3.25(2.50-4.10) 77 3.10(2.30‐4.10) 61 3.50(2.70-4.70)


  • 尿液中的8-OHdG(ng / mg肌酐)水平为中位数(第25四分位数至第75四分位数)。
  • 缩写:8-OHdG,8-羟基-2'-脱氧鸟苷;ALT,丙氨酸转氨酶;AST,天冬氨酸转氨酶;BMI,体重指数;血压,血压;BS,血糖;DBP,舒张压;Hb,血红蛋白;HDL-Chol,高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇;LDL-Chol,低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇;SBP,收缩压;TG,甘油三酸酯;UA,尿酸;γ-GTP,γ-谷氨酰转肽酶。
  • * P <.05,通过曼惠特尼检验。
  • ** P <.01,通过曼惠特尼检验。

