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Monsoonal climatic reconstruction from Central India during the last ca. 3600 cal yr: signatures of global climatic events, based on lacustrine sediment pollen records
Palynology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.1080/01916122.2021.1930605
Md. Firoze Quamar 1


Pollen analyses of a 90 cm deep lacustrine sediment profile from the Mahasamund District of Chhattisgarh State, central India demonstrated that between ca. 3600 and 2500 cal yr BP (Neoglacial climate interval), open forest vegetation occupied the landscape in the region under a dry climate, probably indicating reduced monsoon (the Indian Summer Monsoon: ISM) rainfall. Further, the open forest vegetation was succeeded by a mixed tropical deciduous forest between ca. 2500 and 1650 cal yr BP (∼550 BC to AD ∼300) under a warm and humid climate with increased monsoon rainfall. The warming period and an amelioration of climate (strong ISM condition) is comparable to the Roman Warm Period (RWP), recorded globally between 2500–1600 cal yr BP (∼550 BC to AD ∼350), and also known as the ‘Golden Age of India’ owing to increased agricultural output, trade commerce and socio-economic prosperity in India. Subsequently, between ca. 1650 and 950 cal yr BP (AD ∼300–1000), the existing mixed tropical deciduous forest transformed into an open mixed tropical deciduous forest under a warm and relatively less humid climate with reduced monsoon rainfall, correlatable with the Dark Ages Cold Period (DACP). Finally, between ca. 950 cal yr BP to the present (AD 1000 onwards), mixed tropical deciduous forest again came into existence and occupied the landscape around the study area under a warm and relatively more humid climate with intensification of the monsoon rainfall, corresponds with the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), which is known between AD 740 and 1150 worldwide.


上世纪末印度中部的季风气候重建。3600 cal yr:全球气候事件的特征,基于湖泊沉积物花粉记录


对印度中部恰蒂斯加尔邦 Mahasamund 区 90 厘米深的湖泊沉积物剖面的花粉分析表明,大约 3600 和 2500 cal yr BP(新冰河期气候区间),开阔的森林植被在干燥气候下占据了该地区的景观,可能表明季风(印度夏季季风:ISM)降雨量减少。此外,开阔的森林植被被约之间的热带落叶混交林所取代。2500 和 1650 cal yr BP(约公元前 550 年至公元 300 年)在温暖潮湿的气候下,季风降雨量增加。变暖期和气候改善(强 ISM 条件)可与罗马暖期(RWP)相媲美,全球记录在 2500-1600 cal yr BP(约公元前 550 年至公元 350 年)之间,也被称为“黄金时期”印度的时代,由于农业产量的增加,印度的贸易商业和社会经济繁荣。随后,在约之间。1650 和 950 cal yr BP (AD ∼300–1000),现有的混合热带落叶林在温暖和相对不太潮湿的气候下转变为开放的混合热带落叶林,季风降雨量减少,与黑暗时代寒冷期(DACP )。最后,在大约之间。BP 950 cal yr 至今(公元 1000 年起),热带落叶混交林再次出现并占据研究区周围景观,气候温暖湿润,季风降雨增强,与中世纪暖期相对应(MWP),在公元 740 年至 1150 年间在世界范围内广为人知。现有的混合热带落叶林在温暖和相对较少潮湿的气候下转变为开放的混合热带落叶林,季风降雨量减少,与黑暗时代寒冷时期(DACP)相关。最后,在大约之间。BP 950 cal yr 至今(公元 1000 年起),热带落叶混交林再次出现并占据研究区周围景观,气候温暖湿润,季风降雨增强,与中世纪暖期相对应(MWP),在公元 740 年至 1150 年间在世界范围内广为人知。现有的混合热带落叶林在温暖和相对较少潮湿的气候下转变为开放的混合热带落叶林,季风降雨量减少,与黑暗时代寒冷时期(DACP)相关。最后,在大约之间。BP 950 cal yr 至今(公元 1000 年起),热带落叶混交林再次出现并占据研究区周围景观,气候温暖湿润,季风降雨增强,与中世纪暖期相对应(MWP),在公元 740 年至 1150 年间在世界范围内广为人知。
