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Marine forearc structure of eastern Java and its role in the 1994 Java tsunami earthquake
Solid Earth ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-17 , DOI: 10.5194/se-2021-61
Yueyang Xia , Jacob Geersen , Dirk Klaeschen , Bo Ma , Dietrich Lange , Michael Riedel , Michael Schnabel , Heidrun Kopp

Abstract. We resolve a previously unrecognized shallow subducting seamount from a re-processed multichannel seismic depth image crossing the 1994 M7.8 Java tsunami earthquake slip area. Seamount subduction is related to the uplift of the overriding plate by lateral shortening and vertical thickening, causing pronounced back-thrusting at the landward slope of the forearc high and the formation of splay faults branching off the landward flank of the subducting seamount. The location of the seamount in relation to the 1994 earthquake hypocentre and its co-seismic slip model suggests that the seamount acted as a seismic barrier to the up-dip co-seismic rupture propagation of this moderate size earthquake. The wrapping of the co-seismic slip contours around the seamount indicates that it diverted rupture propagation, documenting the control of forearc structures on seismic rupture.


