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Economic evaluation of interventions to reduce solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure among construction workers
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-14 , DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2021.1910278
Amirabbas Mofidi 1 , Emile Tompa 1, 2, 3 , Chaojie Song 4 , Thomas Tenkate 5 , Victoria Arrandale 3, 4 , Katherine J Jardine 3 , Hugh Davies 6 , Paul A Demers 3, 4


Solar ultraviolet radiation is one of the most common occupational carcinogens in Canada and is responsible for approximately 5,556 non-melanoma skin cancers per year. A large part of these cases are preventable by reducing solar ultraviolet radiation exposure. In this study, investigators estimated the potential economic impacts of different solar ultraviolet radiation reduction interventions among construction workers, as they are one of the largest at-risk occupational groups. Investigators performed an economic evaluation from a societal perspective, by comparing incremental costs in relation to incremental benefits achieved by two interventions—use of personal protective equipment by all exposed individuals and use of shade structure wherever and whenever feasible. Interventions costs were estimated for 2020–2050, and benefits with a 10-year delay, i.e., for the period 2030–2060. Economic evaluation estimates were reported by intervention costs, total costs of non-melanoma skin cancers cases averted, incremental cost per avert case, return on investment, and the break-even point. Various sensitivity analyses were undertaken with key parameters. Our findings indicate that if the rising trend of incidence continues, cases will be double in 2060, whereas by using personal protective equipment or shade structure, with the best-case scenario of full ultraviolet radiation removal, would result in 6,034 and 2,945 cases averted over 30 years, respectively. This translates into a total of $38.0 and $20.5 million of averted costs (all monetary values represented in 2017 Canadian dollars). Under this scenario investigators expect that by 2060, for every dollar invested in personal protective equipment and shade structures, $0.49 and $0.35 will be returned, respectively. Findings also suggested that under a conservative scenario, prevention of non-melanoma skin cancer cases by personal protective equipment and shade structures resulted in $5,812 and $7,355 incremental costs, respectively, over the 30-year period. This study provides important insights for decision makers about the potential impacts of solar ultraviolet radiation reduction interventions in the construction sector and other sectors with substantial outdoor work. Our estimates also can raise awareness of the importance of solar ultraviolet radiation reduction interventions.


减少建筑工人太阳紫外线辐射 (UVR) 暴露的干预措施的经济评估


太阳紫外线辐射是加拿大最常见的职业致癌物之一,每年导致大约 5,556 例非黑色素瘤皮肤癌。这些情况中的很大一部分是可以通过减少太阳紫外线辐射照射来预防的。在这项研究中,研究人员估计了不同的减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施对建筑工人的潜在经济影响,因为他们是最大的高危职业群体之一。调查人员从社会角度进行了经济评估,通过比较与两种干预措施所实现的增量收益相关的增量成本——所有暴露者使用个人防护设备和在任何可行的情况下使用遮阳结构。预计 2020-2050 年的干预费用,和福利延迟 10 年,即 2030-2060 年期间。通过干预成本、避免的非黑色素瘤皮肤癌病例的总成本、每个避免病例的增量成本、投资回报和盈亏平衡点报告了经济评估估计值。对关键参数进行了各种敏感性分析。我们的研究结果表明,如果发病率的上升趋势继续下去,到 2060 年病例将增加一倍,而通过使用个人防护设备或遮阳结构,在完全消除紫外线辐射的最佳情况下,将分别避免 6,034 和 2,945 例病例。分别为 30 年。这意味着总共 38.0 美元和 2050 万美元的避免成本(所有货币价值均以 2017 年加元表示)。在这种情况下,调查人员预计到 2060 年,投资于个人防护设备和遮阳结构的每一美元,将分别返还 0.49 美元和 0.35 美元。调查结果还表明,在保守的情况下,通过个人防护设备和遮阳结构预防非黑色素瘤皮肤癌病例在 30 年期间分别产生了 5,812 美元和 7,355 美元的增量成本。这项研究为决策者提供了重要的见解,以了解减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施对建筑部门和其他有大量户外工作的部门的潜在影响。我们的估计还可以提高人们对减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施重要性的认识。调查结果还表明,在保守的情况下,通过个人防护设备和遮阳结构预防非黑色素瘤皮肤癌病例在 30 年期间分别产生了 5,812 美元和 7,355 美元的增量成本。这项研究为决策者提供了重要的见解,以了解减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施对建筑部门和其他有大量户外工作的部门的潜在影响。我们的估计还可以提高人们对减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施重要性的认识。调查结果还表明,在保守的情况下,通过个人防护设备和遮阳结构预防非黑色素瘤皮肤癌病例在 30 年期间分别产生了 5,812 美元和 7,355 美元的增量成本。这项研究为决策者提供了重要的见解,以了解减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施对建筑部门和其他有大量户外工作的部门的潜在影响。我们的估计还可以提高人们对减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施重要性的认识。这项研究为决策者提供了重要的见解,以了解减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施对建筑部门和其他有大量户外工作的部门的潜在影响。我们的估计还可以提高人们对减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施重要性的认识。这项研究为决策者提供了重要的见解,以了解减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施对建筑部门和其他有大量户外工作的部门的潜在影响。我们的估计还可以提高人们对减少太阳紫外线辐射干预措施重要性的认识。
