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Parenting for Child Development: The development and preliminary pilot of a parenting intervention to reduce violence against children in Papua New Guinea
International Social Work ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-15 , DOI: 10.1177/00208728211008965
Gary Robinson 1 , Simon Moss 1 , Yomei Jones 1

Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a low-income country experiencing high rates of family violence and child maltreatment. Child protection services are under-developed, and few tertiary-trained social workers are employed by them. A research team was commissioned to develop a parenting programme for implementation in remote provinces. After development and co-design of the programme, a pre- and post-evaluation was conducted in 10 communities to test the programme’s potential to facilitate change. Measures of harsh parenting, family well-being and parental attitudes were translated by experienced academics and administered to parents by a team of staff and students from a local university. Responses were subjected to factor analyses. A series of paired-sample t-tests was conducted to ascertain change in parents’ reported family well-being and use of harsh disciplinary practices (sample n = 159). Encouraging numbers of caregivers attended the programme in all sites. The analysis of change between pre- and post-programme scores revealed statistically significant reductions in verbal abuse and corporal punishment, and in harsh parenting overall, with reductions in partner violence and family difficulties contributing to improvements in family well-being. The evaluation indicates that with further development, this programme could be implemented as a primary prevention measure to complement child protection services. To consolidate the programme’s future implementation by building the pool of trained personnel, links with social work education should be further developed.



巴布亚新几内亚(PNG)是一个低收入国家,遭受家庭暴力和虐待儿童的比率很高。儿童保护服务不发达,雇用了受过高等教育的社会工作者。委托一个研究小组制定一项育儿计划,以便在偏远省份实施。在制定和共同设计该计划之后,在10个社区中进行了评估前和评估后,以测试该计划促进变革的潜力。经验丰富的学者翻译了苛刻的育儿,家庭幸福感和父母态度的方法,并由当地大学的工作人员和学生团队对父母进行管理。对反应进行因素分析。进行了一系列成对的t检验,以确定父母报告的家庭幸福和严厉的纪律做法的使用发生了变化(样本n = 159)。在所有站点中都有令人鼓舞的护理人员参加了该计划。对课程前和课程后分数变化的分析表明,从统计上讲,口头虐待和体罚以及严厉育儿总体上都有明显的减少,伴侣暴力和家庭困难的减少也有助于改善家庭福祉。评估表明,随着进一步发展,该方案可以作为预防儿童的主要措施来实施,以补充儿童保护服务。为了通过建立训练有素的人才库来巩固该计划的未来实施,应该进一步发展与社会工作教育的联系。
