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Effects of group affiliation on neural signatures of fairness norm violations in antisocial violent offenders
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2021.110355
Jonathan Scheeff 1 , Karsten Rauss 2 , Michael Schönenberg 1

While norm-violating behavior in antisocial individuals has been widely studied, little is known about how these people react to unfair behavior directed towards them. Previous research yields inconclusive results with some evidence for rational and strategic behavior in antisocial individuals. Electrophysiological correlates as well as socio-contextual factors such as group affiliation that may inform decision making on fairness considerations have not been investigated in previous studies.

This study compared fairness considerations of antisocial violent offenders (N = 25) and controls (N = 26) by using the Ultimatum Game where one player proposes a split of resources and the other player has to respond by accepting or declining the offer. Group affiliation of the proposer (in- vs. out-group) and fairness of offers (fair vs. unfair) were manipulated.

We found no difference between groups regarding decision behavior. However, healthy participants showed an electrophysiological response to group affiliation, which was attenuated in the violent offender group.

This data suggests intact understanding of social norms in antisocial violent offenders while electrophysiological response pattern may be linked to impaired emotional reactions to expectancy violations.




这项研究通过使用最后通牒博弈比较了反社会暴力犯罪者 ( N  = 25) 和控制者 ( N = 26) 的公平考虑, 其中一个玩家提议分配资源,而另一个玩家必须通过接受或拒绝提议来回应。提议者的团体隶属关系(组内与组外)和报价的公平性(公平与不公平)被操纵。


