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Photometry of selected outer main belt asteroids
Planetary and Space Science ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2021.105248
V.G. Shevchenko , O.I. Mikhalchenko , I.N. Belskaya , I.G. Slyusarev , V.G. Chiorny , Yu.N. Krugly , T.A. Hromakina , A.N. Dovgopol , N.N. Kiselev , A.N. Rublevsky , K.А. Antonyuk , A.O. Novichonok , A.V. Kusakin , I.V. Reva , R. Ya. Inasaridze , V.V. Ayvazian , G.V. Kapanadze , I.E. Molotov , D. Oszkiewicz , T. Kwiatkowski

We present new photometric observations for twelve asteroids ((122) Gerda, (152) Atala, (260) Huberta, (665) Sabine, (692) Hippodamia, (723) Hammonia, (745) Mauritia, (768) Struveana, (863) Benkoela, (1113) Katja, (1175) Margo (2057) Rosemary) from the outer part of the main belt aimed to obtain the magnitude-phase curves and to verify geometric albedo and taxonomic class based on their magnitude-phase behaviors. The measured magnitude-phase relations confirm previously determined composition types of (260) Huberta (C-type), (692) Hippodamia (S-type) and (1175) Margo (S-type). Asteroids (665) Sabine and (768) Struveana previously classified as X-type show phase-curve behavior typical for moderate-albedo asteroids and may belong to the M-type. The phase-curve of (723) Hammonia is typical for the S-type which contradicts the previously determined C-type. We confirmed the moderate-albedo of asteroids (122) Gerda and (152) Atala, but their phase-curves are different from typical for the S-type and may indicate more rare compositional types. Based on magnitude-phase behaviors and V-R colors, (2057) Rosemary most probably belongs to M-type, while asteroids (745) Mauritia and (1113) Katja belong to S-complex. The phase curve of the A-type asteroid (863) Benkoela does not cover the opposition effect range and further observations are needed to understand typical features of the phase-curves of A-type asteroids in comparison with other types. We have also determined lightcurve amplitudes of the observed asteroids and obtained new or improved values of the rotation periods for most of them.



我们提供了十二个小行星的新光度观测((122)格达(152)阿塔拉(260)Huberta,(665)萨宾(692)希波达米亚(723)哈莫尼亚(745)毛里西亚(768) 863)Benkoela(1113)Katja(1175)Margo(2057)Rosemary)来自主带的外部,旨在获得幅相曲线,并基于其幅相行为验证几何反照率和分类学类别。所测量的幅度-相位关系确认了先前确定的(260)Huberta(C型),(692)Hippodamia(S型)和(1175)Margo(S型)的成分类型。先前归类为X型的(665)Sabine小行星和(768)Struveana小行星具有典型的中度反照率小行星相曲线行为,可能属于M型。(723)谐波的相曲线是典型的S型,与先前确定的C型矛盾。我们确认了小行星(122)Gerda和(152)Atala的中度反照率,但是它们的相曲线不同于S型的典型曲线,并且可能表明更稀有的组成类型。基于幅度相位行为和VR颜色(2057)迷迭香最有可能属于M型,而小行星(745)毛里蒂亚(1113)和卡特娅(Katja)属于S复合体。A型小行星(863)Benkoela的相曲线未涵盖对立作用范围,需要进一步观察以了解A型小行星与其他类型的相曲线的典型特征。我们还确定了观察到的小行星的光曲线幅度,并获得了其中大多数旋转周期的新值或改进值。
