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Responses of Bat Communities (Mammalia: Chiroptera) to Forest Loss and Habitat Conversion in Southern Cameroon
Tropical Conservation Science ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-14 , DOI: 10.1177/19400829211010360
Patrick Jules Atagana 1 , Eric Moïse Bakwo Fils 1 , Sevilor Kekeunou 2

We aimed to assess how bats are affected by habitat transformation by comparing bat assemblages in four habitat types: primary forest, secondary forest, cocoa plantations and human habitations in the Dja Biosphere Reserve of southern Cameroon. Bats were sampled in the four habitat types using mist nets. During 126 nights, a total of 413 bats were captured, belonging to four families, 16 genera and 24 species. Ninety three individuals (17 species) were captured in the primary forest, followed by plantations (105 individuals, 14 species), human habitations (159 individuals, 10 species), and secondary forest (55 individuals, eight species). Megaloglossus woermanni was recorded in all the four habitats, and was the most abundant species (105 individuals). The analysis of bat assemblage between habitat types showed a statistically significant difference in species composition. The distribution of the six most abundant species (Epomops franqueti, Megaloglossus woermanni, Rousettus aegyptiacus, Dohyrina cyclops, Hipposideros cf. caffer and Hipposideros cf. ruber) was influenced by habitat types. Our results suggest that the decrease in species richness observed in disturbed habitats may be due to habitat perturbations of primary forest habitats. Therefore, it is important to examine the effects of habitat conversion at species level, as responses are often species-specific.



我们的目的是通过比较喀麦隆南部Dja生物圈保护区的四种生境类型中的蝙蝠组合:原始森林,次生森林,可可种植园和人类栖息地,来评估蝙蝠如何受到栖息地转变的影响。使用雾网在四种栖息地类型中对蝙蝠进行了采样。在126个晚上中,总共捕获了413蝙蝠,属于4个科,16属和24种。在原始森林中捕获了93个个体(17种),其次是人工林(105个个体,14种),人类居住区(159个个体,10种)和次生森林(55个个体,8种)。沃格曼巨舌记录在所有四个生境中,是最丰富的物种(105个个体)。蝙蝠组合在生境类型之间的分析表明,物种组成在统计学上有显着差异。六个最丰富物种的分布(法国番石榴墨西哥大果木埃及埃及Rou,多hyrina独眼巨人Hipposideros cf. cafferHipposideros cf. ruber)受到栖息地类型的影响。我们的结果表明,在受干扰的生境中观察到的物种丰富度下降可能是由于原始森林生境的生境扰动所致。因此,重要的是要在物种水平上检查栖息地转换的影响,因为响应通常是特定于物种的。
