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Mental health service utilization and perceived barriers to treatment among adult refugees in Germany
European Journal of Psychotraumatology ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-14 , DOI: 10.1080/20008198.2021.1910407
Victoria S Boettcher 1 , Anna C Nowak 2 , Frank Neuner 1


Background: Prevalence rates of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression are high among refugees in Germany. However, knowledge on subjective as well as objective need for psychotherapy and utilization of psychotherapeutic treatment is scarce. Both structural and personal barriers regarding utilization of mental health services must be addressed in order to increase treatment efficiency.

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the objective as well as the perceived need for treatment, the utilization of mental health care among refugees in the past 12 months, and the perceived barriers to treatment.

Method: By means of face-to-face interviews, an unselected convenience sample of 177 adult refugees were interviewed in either Arabic, Farsi, Kurmancî, English, or German. The general sample was reached through social workers. In addition to the Refugee Health Screener-15 (RHS-15), utilization of psychotherapeutic and psychiatric care as well as the subjective needs and barriers to treatment were assessed.

Results: According to the RHS-15 54.8% of participants (n = 97) suffered from relevant mental health problems. However, although 28 (28.9%) of the 97 participants who scored above the RHS-15 cut-off perceived a need for therapy, none of them had received psychotherapy as recommended by the German S3 Guidelines. Missing information about mental health and language difficulties were the most frequently cited barriers to mental health services.

Conclusions: Psychologically distressed refugees do not receive sufficient treatment. The reduction of barriers to treatment as well as extension of mental health services to lower thresholds should be considered in the future.





目标:本研究的目的是确定目标以及对治疗的感知需求、过去 12 个月难民中心理保健的利用情况以及感知的治疗障碍。

方法:通过面对面访谈,对 177 名成年难民的未经选择的便利样本进行了阿拉伯语、波斯语、库尔曼茨语、英语或德语的访谈。一般样本是通过社会工作者获得的。除了 Refugee Health Screener-15 (RHS-15) 之外,还评估了心理治疗和精神病护理的使用情况以及主观需求和治疗障碍。

结果:根据 RHS-15,54.8% 的参与者 ( n = 97) 患有相关的心理健康问题。然而,虽然 97 名得分高于 RHS-15 临界值的参与者中有 28 名 (28.9%) 认为需要治疗,但他们都没有接受德国 S3 指南推荐的心理治疗。缺少有关心理健康的信息和语言困难是最常被提及的心理健康服务障碍。

