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The expansion and contraction of the apprenticeship system in Australia, 1985-2020
Journal of Vocational Education & Training ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-14 , DOI: 10.1080/13636820.2021.1894218
Erica Smith 1


This paper chronicles and analyses the expansion and contraction of the Australian apprenticeship system from 1985 to 2020. The system expanded from a small number of occupations, mainly in craft and manufacturing areas, to include many other occupations, notably in the different types of service sectors. The expansion was achieved primarily through a new type of apprenticeship, known as a traineeship, to augment the existing more traditional apprenticeships. Since 2012, the system has contracted considerably, and the participation rate of women has been affected disproportionately. The period of expansion of the system was book-ended by two major government-instigated documents, in 1985 and 2011. In 1985 a Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into Labour Market Programs proposed the introduction of traineeships, and in 2011 an Expert Panel on Apprenticeships sought to reduce numbers through the application of specific criteria for government support, which primarily affected the occupations served by traineeships. Two sources of evidence are used to examine the expansion and contraction of the apprenticeship system: data from the national apprenticeship statistics collection maintained by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) and key government reports over the 35 years. A brief overview of COVID-19-related developments in 2020 is included.




本文记录和分析了澳大利亚学徒制从 1985 年到 2020 年的扩张和收缩。该体系从少数职业,主要是工艺和制造领域扩展到包括许多其他职业,特别是在不同类型的服务行业. 扩张主要是通过一种称为实习生的新型学徒制来实现的,以增强现有的更传统的学徒制。自 2012 年以来,该系统大幅收缩,女性的参与率受到了不成比例的影响。1985 年和 2011 年,两份政府发起的主要文件结束了该系统的扩张时期。 1985 年,议会劳动力市场计划调查委员会提议引入实习生,2011 年,学徒制专家小组试图通过应用政府支持的具体标准来减少人数,这主要影响了受训人员所服务的职业。有两个证据来源用于检验学徒制度的扩张和收缩:来自国家职业教育研究中心 (NCVER) 维护的国家学徒统计收集的数据和 35 年来的重要政府报告。包括对 2020 年 COVID-19 相关发展的简要概述。来自国家职业教育研究中心 (NCVER) 维护的国家学徒统计数据和 35 年来的重要政府报告。包括对 2020 年 COVID-19 相关发展的简要概述。来自国家职业教育研究中心 (NCVER) 维护的国家学徒统计数据和 35 年来的重要政府报告。包括对 2020 年 COVID-19 相关发展的简要概述。
