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MVN experiment – All sky monitor for measuring cosmic X-ray background of the universe onboard the ISS
Experimental Astronomy ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s10686-021-09699-8
D. V. Serbinov , M. N. Pavlinsky , A. N. Semena , N. P. Semena , A. A. Lutovinov , S. V. Molkov , M. V. Buntov , V. A. Arefiev , I. Y. Lapshov

The article describes the MVN experiment (MVN – Monitor Vsego Neba in Russian transliteration) – All Sky Monitor onboard the ISS, which will start in 2021. The main scientific task of the experiment is to measure the cosmic X-ray background in energy range of 6 – 70 keV with unprecedented high absolute and spectral accuracy (about 1%). To reach this goal, Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences has developed scientific payload called MVN. The main instrument of MVN is the SPIN-X1-MVN X-ray monitor, which is equipped with four CdTe based semiconductor detectors. The X-ray monitor will be mounted on the external surface of the ISS with zenith orientation. The structure of the monitor including the key systems (detectors, gears, thermal control system) is considered. Measuring of the cosmic X-ray background is carried out by the aperture modulation method described in detail in this article. Also we describe an optimal algorithm of the obtained in experiment data filtering, which will provide us with highest quality of the CXB measurement.



本文介绍了MVN实验(MVN –俄语音译中的Vsego Neba监视器)–将于2021年开始在国际空间站上搭载全天候监视器。该实验的主要科学任务是在能量范围内测量宇宙X射线背景6 – 70 keV,具有前所未有的高绝对和光谱精度(约1%)。为了实现这一目标,俄罗斯科学院空间研究所开发了称为MVN的科学有效载荷。MVN的主要仪器是SPIN-X1-MVN X射线监视器,它配备有四个基于CdTe的半导体探测器。X射线监视器将以天顶方向安装在ISS的外表面上。考虑包括关键系统(检测器,齿轮,热控制系统)的监视器的结构。宇宙X射线背景的测量是通过本文中详细介绍的孔径调制方法进行的。我们还描述了一种在实验数据过滤中获得的最佳算法,它将为我们提供最高质量的CXB测量。
