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Role of perceived countries’ advantages of cashless economy in behavioral intentions of using cashless transactions: an empirical analysis
Journal of Indian Business Research Pub Date : 2021-05-13 , DOI: 10.1108/jibr-06-2020-0186
Vimal Raj L. , Amilan S. , Aparna K.


The ultimate aim of this paper is to contribute an extension of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model. The modified UTAUT provides a better explanation for the adoption of cashless transactions. However, it does not consider individuals’ perceived countries’ advantages when cashless transactions are made in the economy. Hence, this research investigates whether individuals’ perceived countries’ advantages of the cashless economy influence behavioral intentions of using cashless transactions.


A structured questionnaire has administered with 375 respondents in selected commercially vibrant places, such as Shopping Malls, big retail shops, hotels, and the like, covering the 15 zones of Greater Chennai city Corporation, India. From the 375 respondents, 325 respondents returned the filled-in questionnaire in time. For analysis, exploratory factor analyses used for underlying new latent factors from the identified variables used for measuring the individuals’ perceived countries’ advantages of a cashless economy. After identifying the latent factors, the extracted factors regressed with the intention level of using cashless transactions to validate the influence of newly identified factors.


The results of the regression analysis proved that the identified new factors, such as Perceived Economic Offense Reduction (PEOR), Perceived Economic Benefit (PEB), and Perceived Economy’s Security (PES), are positively and significantly influencing the behavioral intention of using cashless transactions.

Research limitations/implications

This study’s unique contribution is the validation of a measurement scale based on individuals’ perception of countries’ advantages when cashless transactions are made in the economy. The scale development in the present study is an essential step toward the advancement of the UTAUT research model, and this study also proved that identified new latent factors such as PEOR, PEB and the PES are positively and significantly influencing individuals’ behavioral intention toward the use of the cashless transaction. Hence, this study’s result may help contribute an extension of the UTAUT model in a comprehensive view, and this extension may enrich UTAUT’s ability to explain and predict the acceptance of cashless transactions.


In recent literature, many conceptual and empirical studies have discussed the countries’ advantages resulting from cashless transactions. This study attempts to integrate those advantages as variables through measurement instruments, whether they influence the behavioral intention to use cashless transactions from the general public perspective.




本文的最终目的是为技术接受和使用统一理论(UTAUT)模型的扩展做出贡献。修改后的 UTAUT 为采用无现金交易提供了更好的解释。然而,当在经济中进行无现金交易时,它没有考虑个人认为国家的优势。因此,本研究调查个人感知的国家在无现金经济方面的优势是否会影响使用无现金交易的行为意图。


在选定的商业活跃场所(例如购物中心、大型零售商店、酒店等)对 375 名受访者进行了结构化问卷调查,涵盖印度大金奈市公司的 15 个区域。在 375 名受访者中,有 325 名受访者及时交回了填写好的问卷。对于分析,探索性因素分析用于从已识别的变量中挖掘新的潜在因素,用于衡量个人感知的国家在无现金经济中的优势。在识别出潜在因素后,提取的因素以使用无现金交易的意向水平回归,以验证新识别出的因素的影响。




本研究的独特贡献在于,在经济中进行无现金交易时,基于个人对国家优势的看法,对衡量尺度进行了验证。本研究中的量表开发是 UTAUT 研究模型进步的重要一步,本研究还证明,已确定的新潜在因素,如 PEOR、PEB 和 PES 正显着影响个人对使用的行为意向。无现金交易。因此,本研究的结果可能有助于从全面的角度对 UTAUT 模型进行扩展,这种扩展可能会丰富 UTAUT 解释和预测无现金交易接受的能力。


