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Migrant Remittances and Violent Responses to Crime in Latin America and the Caribbean
Latin American Politics and Society ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-13 , DOI: 10.1017/lap.2021.4
Ana Isabel López García , Barry Maydom

High levels of crime are a key driver of emigration from Latin America and the Caribbean. But can emigration change public opinion about how best to respond to crime? Focusing on the political economy of remittances—the money migrants send to their families and communities—this study argues that emigration can increase support for violent responses to crime. Migrants’ families often spend remittances on investment goods, which makes them more vulnerable to crime and more supportive of violence to protect themselves. An analysis of AmericasBarometer data finds that remittance recipients are more likely both to fear crime and to be victims of crime than nonrecipients. They are also more approving of vigilantism, more tolerant of police bending the law to apprehend criminals, and more supportive of deploying the military in crime fighting. These findings contribute to our knowledge of the consequences of international migration for political development in migrant-sending countries.



高犯罪率是拉丁美洲和加勒比地区移民的主要驱动力。但移民能否改变公众对如何最好地应对犯罪的看法?本研究关注汇款的政治经济学——移民寄给家人和社区的钱——认为移民可以增加对暴力应对犯罪的支持。移民家庭经常将汇款用于投资商品,这使他们更容易受到犯罪的影响,也更支持通过暴力来保护自己。对 AmericasBarometer 数据的分析发现,与未收款人相比,汇款收款人更有可能害怕犯罪并成为犯罪的受害者。他们也更赞同私刑,更容忍警察违法抓捕罪犯,更支持部署军队打击犯罪。