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Annual Report of the Secretary-Treasurer
Journal of Southern History ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-13
Stephen Berry

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Annual Report of the Secretary-Treasurer
  • Stephen Berry (bio)

In her engaging history of the southern historical association, Bethany Johnson paints a particularly compelling portrait of the Association at its nadir during World War II, when, three years out of four, it decided not to hold an annual meeting. Students and faculty alike had raced into the army or to Washington, D.C. Graduate programs were anemic. Scholars were too distracted to write. The Journal had barely enough books to review. "It breaks my historical heart to vote for cancellation," one Executive Council member noted, "but there seems [to be] no other course." Some feared the Association would never recover, but when the war ended, meeting attendance skyrocketed, and the 1946 meeting was the second-largest to that date. The Program Committee credited "the social side" of the SHA for the speedy recovery. Members had returned simply because they missed each other, because "we have all been separated for so long."

Past is prologue: the pandemic has put a strain on the Association, but there remains a prevailing sense of community and endurance. President Thavolia Glymph deserves particular credit in steering the Association through turbulent times. We should credit, too, the longest-serving Program Committee in SHA history. Co-chairs Kendra Field, Joseph Reidy, and Randy Sparks, along with the rest of their team, created a fantastic in-person meeting and then adapted it as one of the first virtual meetings of a major historical association in the United States. While some program participants chose to delay their presentation until the 2021 meeting in New Orleans, our "Virtual Memphis" meeting featured fourteen concurrent sessions, an opening plenary featuring poet Nikki Finney, all of the usual administrative and business meetings, a virtual graduate student lunch, a virtual book exhibit, drop-in sessions for mentoring and editing advice, and much more. While we deeply regretted not being able to meet in Memphis in person, the city remained a [End Page 317] focus of the meeting, with panels such as "All Roads Lead to Memphis: Excavating the City's Multicultural Roots" and "Memphis Since King: The Struggle to Make Black Lives Matter in the Bluff City." Another strong theme of the meeting was the vitality of southern women's history, as the Southern Association for Women Historians celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. Program highlights included "By One Vote: Woman Suffrage in the South"; "Radical Women/Queering Southern History"; and "Sisterly Networks: Fifty Years of Southern Women's History." The program was capped by an awards ceremony featuring the announcement of a new article prize in southern women's history. Founded and largely funded by Joan Cashin of Ohio State University, the Anne Braden Prize was established to commemorate the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment, recognizing the right of women to vote, and will be given annually by the SHA to the best journal article or edited essay focusing on southern women's history. Articles on women from every racial, ethnic, class, or subregional background are welcome. The first prize will be awarded at our Baltimore meeting in 2022, to an article published in 2021.

The Executive Council met virtually on Thursday afternoon, November 19, 2020, ahead of the opening evening plenary. Decisions included 1) the formation of a new standing committee devoted to enforcing our sexual harassment policy; 2) the adoption of a new "one year off" rule, which requires all program participants in a given year to sit out the next year before being eligible to participate again; and 3) the restructuring of the Membership Committee, whose members will now serve three-year terms. Membership Committee chair Kelly Kennington deserves particular recognition for overseeing the overhaul of the committee and its duties. Like most major historical associations, the SHA has seen slight but steady declines in membership for more than a decade, but Kennington and her team are reversing the trend.

In conjunction with our Graduate Student Council, the SHA inaugurated a micro-grant program for graduate students willing to write reflective pieces for our blog (thesha.org/blog) about their research, teaching, and lives in the shadow of the pandemic. Ultimately we made seventeen awards, and the blog provided a forum...




  • 司库年度报告
  • 斯蒂芬·贝里(生物)

ñ她南部的历史协会的接合历史,伯大尼·约翰逊在二战的时候,三年之后了四个,它决定不召开一次年会期间最低点绘制了协会的特别引人注目的画像。学生和教职员工都参加过军队或华盛顿特区的研究生课程。学者们太分心了,无法写作。该杂志几乎没有书可以复习。一位执行理事会成员指出:“投票赞成取消该决议令我伤心欲绝,但似乎没有其他选择。” 一些人担心协会永远无法恢复,但是当战争结束时,出席人数激增,1946年的会议是当时的第二大会议。计划委员会将SHA的“社会方面”归功于其迅速恢复。成员之所以返回是因为他们彼此怀念,因为“我们都已经分离了很久了”。

过去是一个序幕:大流行给协会带来了压力,但仍然存在普遍的社区意识和耐力。Thavolia Glymph主席在动荡时期领导协会的工作中应受到特别赞扬。我们也应该赞扬SHA历史上服务时间最长的计划委员会。联合主席Kendra Field,Joseph Reidy和Randy Sparks及其团队其他成员创建了一个奇妙的面对面会议,然后将其改编为美国主要历史协会的第一个虚拟会议之一。尽管有些计划参与者选择将演讲推迟到2021年在新奥尔良举行,但我们的“虚拟孟菲斯”会议同时举行了14场会议,诗人尼克·芬尼(Nikki Finney)的开幕全体会议,所有通常的行政和商务会议,虚拟的研究生午餐,虚拟的书籍展览,指导和编辑建议的插手式会议,等等。虽然我们深感遗憾不能亲自在孟菲斯见面,但这座城市仍然是[结束页317]会议的重点,包括“通向孟菲斯的所有道路:挖掘城市的多元文化根源”和“自国王以来的孟菲斯:在布拉夫城使黑人生活变得重要的斗争”等小组讨论。会议的另一个重要主题是南方妇女历史的活力,因为南方妇女历史学家协会庆祝了其成立五十周年。方案重点包括:“一票通过:南部的妇女选举权”;“激进的妇女/对南方历史的狂热”;和“姐妹关系网:南方妇女史五十年”。该计划以颁奖仪式作为封顶,颁奖仪式上宣布了南方女性历史上的新文章奖。由俄亥俄州立大学的琼·卡辛(Joan Cashin)创立,并在很大程度上资助 为了纪念第十九次修正案一百周年而设立的安妮·布雷登奖(Anne Braden Prize)旨在表彰女性的投票权,并且每年都会由SHA颁发给有关南部女性历史的最佳期刊文章或经编辑的论文。欢迎从各个种族,族裔,阶级或次区域背景出发的有关妇女的文章。一等奖将在2022年的巴尔的摩会议上颁发给2021年发表的一篇文章。

执行理事会几乎在2020年11月19日周四下午全体会议开幕之前举行会议。决定包括:1)成立新的常务委员会,专门执行我们的性骚扰政策;2)采用新的“一年休息”规则,该规则要求给定年份的所有计划参与者都必须在下一年退出,然后才有资格再次参加;3)成员委员会的改组,其成员现任期为三年。会员委员会主席凯利·肯宁顿(Kelly Kennington)负责监督委员会的全面改革及其职责,应得到特别认可。像大多数主要的历史协会一样,SHA会员人数在过去十年中有轻微但稳定的下降,但是Kennington和她的团队正在扭转这一趋势。

