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Leichhardt's ethnobotany for the eucalypts of south-east Queensland
Australian Journal of Botany ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-11 , DOI: 10.1071/bt21007
Roderick J. Fensham

The explorer Ludwig Leichhardt travelled with Aboriginal people in south-east Queensland during 1843–44. Leichhardt’s record of Aboriginal taxonomy in Yagara, Wakka, Kabi, and other languages was related to the current taxonomy of the eucalypts of south-east Queensland. Most of the taxonomic entities could be associated across cultures and verifies the intimate understanding of Aboriginal peoples with tree species that are difficult to distinguish in the field. Leichhardt’s record together with that of Gairabau, a Dungidau man from south-east Queensland verifies a broad array of uses for eucalypts including as gum for chewing, dying, and medicine; ash rubbed into the skin for soothing young mothers, where bees, honey and wax can be found, hollow logs for fish-traps, hard timber for weapons and utensils, bark for shelter, canoes, embalming, and containers – some species contained water, others were used to create smoke for sending signals, some species indicated an unsuitable camp-site, and others indicated the likelihood of finding koalas and possum as game. Flowering and the shedding of bark are signs for the bush calendar.



1843–44年,探险家路德维希·莱希哈特(Ludwig Leichhardt)与昆士兰东南部的原住民一起旅行。Leichhardt在Yagara,Wakka,Kabi和其他语言中记录的土著分类学与昆士兰州东南部桉树的当前分类学有关。大多数生物分类实体可以跨文化相互关联,并验证了对原住民对树木的亲密了解,这些树木很难在野外进行区分。莱希哈特(Leichhardt)的记录以及昆士兰州东南部Dungidau人盖拉鲍(Gairabau)的记录证实了桉树的广泛用途,包括用作咀嚼,染色和药物的口香糖。将灰烬擦在皮肤上以抚慰年轻的母亲,那里可以找到蜜蜂,蜂蜜和蜡;空心的原木用于鱼塘;硬质的木材用于武器和器皿;树皮用于庇护,独木舟,防腐,和容器–一些物种盛有水,其他物种则被用来制造烟雾以发送信号,某些物种表示不适合营地,而其他物种则表示有可能以树袋熊和负鼠为猎物。开花和树皮脱落是灌木日历的标志。
