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Psychophysiological assessment of stress reactivity and recovery in anxiety disorders
Journal of Anxiety Disorders ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2021.102426
David F Tolin 1 , Eric Lee 2 , Hannah C Levy 2 , Akanksha Das 2 , Liya Mammo 2 , Benjamin W Katz 2 , Gretchen J Diefenbach 1

The present study aimed to examine changes in psychophysiological arousal from baseline to a stressor phase (reactivity) and from the stressor phase to a second resting phase (recovery) in patients with anxiety disorders. Fifty adult patients with DSM-5 anxiety disorders (panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or social anxiety disorder) and 28 healthy control (HC) participants underwent psychophysiological monitoring including electrocardiogram, respiration rate, electrodermal activity, gastrocnemius electromyograph, and end-tidal CO2 for a 3-min resting phase, a 6-min mild stressor phase, and a 3-min recovery phase. Anxious patients then went on to receive naturalistic cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in a specialty outpatient clinic. Results for the reactivity phase indicated that compared to HCs, patients with social anxiety disorder exhibited heightened psychophysiological reactivity while patients with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder exhibited attenuated reactivity. Results for physiological recovery (return to baseline after the stressor was withdrawn) were mixed, but provided some support for slower autonomic recovery in patients with generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder compared to HCs. Participants with all anxiety disorders exhibited diminished change in high frequency heart rate variability compared to HCs. Generally, psychophysiological reactivity and recovery were not associated with CBT outcome, though exploratory analyses indicated that greater respiration rate reactivity and stronger respiration rate recovery were associated with better CBT outcomes in patients with panic disorder.



本研究旨在检查焦虑症患者从基线到压力源阶段(反应性)以及从压力源阶段到第二个休息阶段(恢复)的心理生理唤醒变化。50 名患有 DSM-5 焦虑症(恐慌症、广泛性焦虑症或社交焦虑症)的成年患者和 28 名健康对照 (HC) 参与者接受了心理生理学监测,包括心电图、呼吸率、皮肤电活动、腓肠肌肌电图和呼气末 CO 23 分钟的休息阶段、6 分钟的轻度应激阶段和 3 分钟的恢复阶段。然后,焦虑的患者继续在专科门诊接受自然认知行为疗法 (CBT)。反应阶段的结果表明,与 HC 相比,社交焦虑障碍患者表现出更高的心理生理反应,而恐慌症和广泛性焦虑障碍患者表现出减弱的反应。生理恢复(撤回压力源后恢复到基线)的结果喜忧参半,但与 HC 相比,广泛性焦虑症和恐慌症患者的自主神经恢复较慢提供了一些支持。与 HC 相比,患有所有焦虑症的参与者的高频心率变异性变化较小。一般来说,
