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Beyond absolute space: An exploration of relative and relational space in Shanghai using taxi trajectory data
Journal of Transport Geography ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103076
Xijing Li , Xinlin Ma , Bev Wilson

The nature of urban space has long-drawn geographers' interest and David Harvey's conceptual framework of multiple spaces (i.e., absolute, relative, and relational) within cities has been widely adopted and developed. With its high spatial and temporal resolution, geospatial big data plays an increasingly important role in our understanding of urban structure. Taxi trajectory data is particularly useful in travel purpose estimation and allows for more granular insights into urban mobility due to the door-to-door nature of these trips. This article utilizes taxi trajectory data and explores the interaction among absolute space, relative space, and relational space in Harvey's framework using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Through an empirical study of Shanghai's downtown area, this paper highlights the importance of Harvey's framework in understanding cities' dynamic structure and argues for changes in urban planning and development to better coordinate land use and travel demand. We find an insignificant relationship between relative and relational space in Shanghai due to a mismatch between urban mobility and the built environment. This mismatch concentrates the transportation flow near the city's core area, transforming the polycentric structure of Shanghai's built environment in absolute space to a single-node structure in relational space. After identifying the contributing factors to this problem in Shanghai, this article suggests combining Harvey's conceptual framework of multiple spaces with geospatial big data to inform planning strategies that address the challenges of rapid urbanization.



城市空间的性质引起了地理学家的长期关注,并且大卫·哈维(David Harvey)关于城市内部多种空间(即绝对空间,相对空间和关系空间)的概念框架得到了广泛采用和发展。凭借其高时空分辨率,地理空间大数据在我们对城市结构的理解中扮演着越来越重要的角色。出租车轨迹数据在旅行目的估计中特别有用,并且由于这些旅行的门到门性质,因此可以更详尽地了解城市的流动性。本文利用滑行轨迹数据,并使用结构方程模型(SEM)探索了Harvey框架中绝对空间,相对空间和关系空间之间的相互作用。通过对上海市中心地区的实证研究,本文强调了哈维的重要性。理解城市动态结构的框架,并主张改变城市规划和发展,以更好地协调土地使用和出行需求。我们发现,由于城市交通与建筑环境之间的不匹配,上海相对空间和关系空间之间的关系微不足道。这种失配使交通流集中在城市核心区域附近,从而将上海建成环境中的多中心结构从绝对空间转变为关系空间中的单节点结构。在确定了上海这一问题的成因之后,本文建议将Harvey的多空间概念框架与地理空间大数据相结合,以提出应对快速城市化挑战的规划策略。动态结构,主张改变城市规划和发展,以更好地协调土地使用和旅行需求。我们发现,由于城市交通与建筑环境之间的不匹配,上海相对空间和关系空间之间的关系微不足道。这种失配使交通流集中在城市核心区域附近,从而将上海建成环境中的多中心结构从绝对空间转变为关系空间中的单节点结构。在确定了上海这一问题的成因之后,本文建议将Harvey的多空间概念框架与地理空间大数据相结合,以提出应对快速城市化挑战的规划策略。动态结构,主张改变城市规划和发展,以更好地协调土地使用和旅行需求。我们发现,由于城市交通与建筑环境之间的不匹配,上海相对空间和关系空间之间的关系微不足道。这种失配使交通流集中在城市核心区域附近,从而将上海建成环境中的多中心结构从绝对空间转变为关系空间中的单节点结构。在确定了上海这一问题的成因之后,本文建议将Harvey的多空间概念框架与地理空间大数据相结合,以提出应对快速城市化挑战的规划策略。
