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Mining Architecture Tactics and Quality Attributes knowledge in Stack Overflow
Journal of Systems and Software ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2021.111005
Tingting Bi , Peng Liang , Antony Tang , Xin Xia


Architecture Tactics (ATs) are architectural building blocks that provide general architectural solutions for addressing Quality Attributes (QAs) issues. Mining and analysing QA–AT knowledge can help the software architecture community better understand architecture design. However, manually capturing and mining this knowledge is labour-intensive and difficult.


Using Stack Overflow (SO) as our source, our main goals are to effectively mine such knowledge; and to have some sense of how developers use ATs with respect to QA concerns from related discussions.


We applied a semi-automatic dictionary-based mining approach to extract the QA–AT posts in SO. With the mined QA–AT posts, we identified the relationships between ATs and QAs.


Our approach allows us to mine QA–AT knowledge accurately with an F-measure of 0.865 and Performance of 82.2%. Using this mining approach, we are able to discover architectural synonyms of QAs and ATs used by designers, from which we discover how developers apply ATs to address quality requirements.


We make two contributions in this work: First, we demonstrated a semi-automatic approach to mine ATs and QAs from SO posts; Second, we identified little-known design relationships between QAs and ATs and grouped architectural design considerations to aid architects make architecture tactics design decisions.


在 Stack Overflow 中挖掘架构策略和质量属性知识


架构策略 (AT) 是架构构建块,为解决质量属性 (QA) 问题提供通用架构解决方案。挖掘和分析 QA-AT 知识可以帮助软件架构社区更好地理解架构设计。然而,手动捕获和挖掘这些知识是劳动密集型的且困难的。


使用 Stack Overflow (SO) 作为我们的来源,我们的主要目标是有效地挖掘这些知识;并从相关讨论中了解开发人员如何使用 AT 来解决 QA 问题。


我们应用了一种基于字典的半自动挖掘方法来提取 SO 中的 QA-AT 帖子。通过挖掘出的 QA-AT 帖子,我们确定了 AT 和 QA 之间的关系。


我们的方法使我们能够以 0.865 的 F-measure 和 82.2% 的性能准确地挖掘 QA-AT 知识。使用这种挖掘方法,我们能够发现设计师使用的 QA 和 AT 的架构同义词,从中我们可以发现开发人员如何应用 AT 来满足质量要求。


我们在这项工作中做出了两个贡献:首先,我们展示了一种从 SO 帖子中挖掘 AT 和 QA 的半自动方法;其次,我们确定了 QA 和 AT 之间鲜为人知的设计关系,并对架构设计考虑因素进行了分组,以帮助架构师做出架构策略设计决策。
