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Becoming, belonging, and the fear of everything Black: autoethnography of a minority-mother-scholar-advocate and the movement toward justice
Race Ethnicity and Education ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-13 , DOI: 10.1080/13613324.2021.1918401
Lydia Ocasio-Stoutenburg 1


The compartmentalization of (dis)ability from race and ethnicity, and other identity markers serves to maintain these constructs at a safe distance from one another. Beyond these broader socially constructed categories, there are also the subtler messages about normativity that manifest in gradients of ability, color, behavior, capital, expression and power. Even more restrictive is the creation of a narrow space for parent advocacy that is culturally-subtractive and bureaucratic, serving to privilege the already privileged while silencing the marginalized. In this paper, I use autoethnography with DisCrit as a framework in order to to trace my journey to becoming Minority-Mother-Advocate, un/belonging within community and academic forums. The centerpiece of my counternarrative is the transition of my own advocacy from valuing my son to addressing others’ fears of him as a Black male whose visible (dis)ability doesn’t fit neatly into prescribed norms. A reframing of parent advocacy is imperative, moving beyond the individualistic, unintentionally exclusive aims toward one of collective justice.


成为、归属和对一切的恐惧 黑人:少数族裔母亲学者倡导者的自我民族志和走向正义的运动


种族和族裔的(残疾)能力以及其他身份标记的划分有助于使这些结构彼此保持安全距离。除了这些更广泛的社会建构类别之外,还有关于规范性的更微妙的信息,体现在能力、肤色、行为、资本、表达和权力的梯度中。更具限制性的是为父母倡导创造一个狭隘的空间,这种空间在文化上是贬义的和官僚主义的,旨在让已经享有特权的人享有特权,同时让边缘化的人沉默。在本文中,我将自我民族志与 DisCrit 一起用作框架,以追溯我成为少数族裔母亲倡导者、不属于/属于社区和学术论坛的旅程。我的反叙事的核心是我自己的倡导从重视我的儿子转变为解决其他人对他作为黑人男性的恐惧,他的可见(缺陷)能力并不完全符合规定的规范。重新构建父母的倡导势在必行,超越个人主义的、无意的排他性目标,朝着集体正义之一迈进。
