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I Like My Relational Machine Teacher: An AI Instructor’s Communication Styles and Social Presence in Online Education
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-12 , DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2021.1908671
Jihyun Kim 1 , Kelly Merrill 2 , Kun Xu 3 , Deanna D. Sellnow 1


New advancements in technology have made machines teachers, or technology-powered robots or AI that assist in the overall learning experience, a possibility. Though adoption rates are currently low, colleges and universities will likely incorporate some aspects of machine teachers (e.g., AI, robots) in their curriculums in the foreseeable future. However, little is known about how to create an effective machine teacher-based education. As an initial step, the present study examines whether an AI instructor’s communication style would have an impact on students’ perceptions about an AI instructor-based education. To test this inquiry, the study conducted an online experiment using a 2 (communication styles: functional vs. relational) x 2 (course topic: natural science vs. social science) between-subjects design. Primary results indicate that students develop more favorable perceptions about an AI instructor-based education when the AI instructor is relational rather than functional. This tendency is particularly strong when listening to a social science lecture. Further, social presence of an AI instructor functions as a mediator, which explains the reason why a relational AI instructor leads to more favorable perceptions about an AI instructor-based education is because of one’s social presence of an AI instructor. Collectively, the study’s findings indicate the importance of communication styles and social presence of an AI instructor.




技术的新进步使机器教师、技术驱动的机器人或人工智能成为可能,它们有助于整体学习体验。尽管目前采用率较低,但在可预见的未来,学院和大学可能会将机器教师的某些方面(例如人工智能、机器人)纳入其课程。然而,人们对如何创建有效的机器教师教育知之甚少。作为第一步,本研究考察了人工智能教师的沟通方式是否会影响学生对人工智能教师教育的看法。为了测试这项调查,该研究使用 2(交流方式:功能性与关系性)x 2(课程主题:自然科学与社会科学)之间的主题设计进行了在线实验。主要结果表明,当 AI 讲师是关系型的而不是功能性的时,学生会对基于 AI 讲师的教育产生更有利的看法。这种倾向在听社会科学讲座时尤其强烈。此外,AI 讲师的社交存在起到中介作用,这解释了为什么关系型 AI 讲师导致对基于 AI 讲师的教育更有利的看法的原因是因为一个 AI 讲师的社交存在。总的来说,该研究的结果表明了人工智能讲师的交流方式和社交存在的重要性。此外,AI 讲师的社交存在起到中介作用,这解释了为什么关系型 AI 讲师导致对基于 AI 讲师的教育更有利的看法的原因是因为一个 AI 讲师的社交存在。总的来说,该研究的结果表明了人工智能讲师的交流方式和社交存在的重要性。此外,AI 讲师的社交存在起到中介作用,这解释了为什么关系型 AI 讲师导致对基于 AI 讲师的教育更有利的看法的原因是因为一个 AI 讲师的社交存在。总的来说,该研究的结果表明了人工智能讲师的交流方式和社交存在的重要性。
