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Argentina Betrayed: Memory, Mourning, and Accountability by Antonius C.G.M. Robben (review)
Human Rights Quarterly ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-12
Natasha Zaretsky Ph.D.

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Argentina Betrayed: Memory, Mourning, and Accountability by Antonius C.G.M. Robben
  • Natasha Zaretsky Ph.D. (bio)
Antonius C.G.M. Robben, Argentina Betrayed: Memory, Mourning, and Accountability (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018), ISBN 9780812250053, 304 pages.

While there have been many books written about human rights in Argentina, Antonius C.G.M. Robben's latest work offers a novel approach by examining the dynamics of trust and betrayal. Through this, he builds on the unique perspective he offers as an anthropologist having worked in Argentina for decades, personally witnessing and chronicling the nation's long journey grappling with its history of human rights abuses and repression. He turns his analysis to the years of rebuilding democracy, 1990–2016, and expands on his previous studies of sociocultural trauma in Argentina, which focused on 1945–1990.1 Most importantly, Robben's exploration of trust and betrayal contribute an important perspective to other studies of Argentina's human rights history, also providing a new theoretical framework for studies of violence, memory, and trauma more broadly.

From the first page, Robben situates the reader directly in the Plaza de Mayo, the symbolic and political heart of Argentina as a nation, the central public square that faces the Casa Rosada, the presidential palace. Robben begins his account with the March 2010 Day of Memory, commemorating the 24 March 1976 coup that initiated the period variably known as the Dirty War, the proceso (or Process of National Reorganization), or more recently by some, the genocide. Up to 30,000 people were disappeared during those years for being "subversive" to the dictatorship's vision of national order. In response, the Plaza de Mayo became a central site of contestation and resistance, where the group Madres de Plaza de Mayo (Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo) began gathering in the midst of the 1976–1983 military dictatorship, standing with their now iconic white headscarves to protest the disappearance of their children. As an anthropologist, Robben locates himself in that space across time, as he tells us that he was also standing on the Avenida de Mayo on December 10, 1983, when democratically elected President Raúl Alfonsín was traveling to the Plaza de Mayo. This memory leaves Robben with a "bittersweet" feeling, given the decades that passed, and the uneven nature of progress in terms of human rights and transitional justice that followed.

When democracy returned to Argentina in 1983, as Robben describes, there was hope that the crimes of that period—the disappearances, torture, the kidnapping, the killing, the dropping of people from planes into the River Plate, the abduction of babies born under detention, the many crimes happening in clandestine torture centers such as the ESMA (the Navy School of the Mechanics)—would be clarified and that the perpetrators would be held accountable and prosecuted. In the early years of democracy there were indeed valuable [End Page 394] advances, such as the historic CONADEP truth commission, which generated the bestselling report, Nunca Más (Never Again). In 1985, the leaders of the dictatorship were also tried in the military courts in the Trial of the Juntas. Yet, shortly thereafter, amnesty laws were instated, ensuring a period of impunity with perpetrators walking and living freely while the victims and their family members continued to advocate and protest in a powerful human rights movement. This also prompted human rights groups to continue protesting and advocating for justice and punishment. Only in the early 2000s did amnesty laws become overturned and new human rights trials begin, leading to a wave of justice (not without its own complexities, such as the 2006 kidnapping of Julio Lopez, one of the witnesses set to testify in this trial). How can we understand the legacies of this repression? And what can a focus on trust, then, add to our understanding of memory, violence, and trauma in Argentina?

These are the questions that anchor Robben's book, and indeed, represent its most significant contribution to this field: how the framework of trust and betrayal helps us understand the cultural logics of surviving political violence. For Robben, the repressive government fundamentally eroded trust in the state, but as he notes, these...


阿根廷背叛:记忆,哀悼和问责制(Antonius CGM Robben)(评论)



  • 阿根廷背叛:记忆,哀悼和问责制,Antonius CGM Robben
  • Natasha Zaretsky博士 (生物)
Antonius CGM Robben,阿根廷,《背叛:记忆,哀悼和问责制》(宾夕法尼亚大学出版社,2018年),ISBN 9780812250053,304页。


从第一页开始,罗本便将读者直接安置在梅奥广场上,梅奥广场是阿根廷作为一个国家的象征和政治中心,是面对总统府卡萨罗莎达的中央公共广场。罗本(Robben)从2010年3月的纪念日开始,纪念1976年3月24日的政变,这场政变开始了一段不同的时期,称为肮脏战争,程序(或国家重组过程),或更近一些是种族灭绝。在那些年中,多达30,000人因“颠覆”专政的国家秩序远景而失踪。作为回应,五月广场(Plaza de Mayo)成为争夺和抵抗的中心地点,玛德雷斯广场广场(Madres de Plaza de Mayo)(马约尔广场的母亲)在1976年至1983年的军事独裁统治期间开始集会,并以他们现在标志性的白色头巾站着,抗议孩子的失踪。作为人类学家,罗本(Robben)告诉我们自己也站在1983年12月10日的马约大道(Avenida de Mayo)上,当时民主选举产生的总统劳尔·阿方森(RaúlAlfonsín)前往马约广场(Plaza de Mayo)。鉴于过去的几十年,以及随之而来的人权和过渡司法方面的进步不平衡,这种记忆使罗本充满了“酸甜苦辣”的感觉。

正如罗本所描述的那样,当民主于1983年重返阿根廷时,人们希望那个时期的罪行-失踪,酷刑,绑架,杀害,从飞机上落入河床的人,绑架在其下出生的婴儿在拘留期间,将澄清在秘密酷刑中心,例如ESMA(海军机械学校)发生的许多犯罪,并将追究肇事者责任并予以起诉。在民主的初期,确实有[End Page 394]方面的宝贵进展,例如历史悠久的CONADEP真相委员会,该委员会产生了最畅销的报告NuncaMás(再也不)。1985年,独裁政权的领导人也在军政府审判中的军事法庭受到审判。然而,此后不久,又颁布了大赦法,以确保有罪不罚的时期,肇事者可以自由行走和生活,而受害者及其家人则继续鼓吹和抗议有力的人权运动。这也促使人权组织继续抗议和主张正义与惩罚。直到2000年代初,大赦法才被推翻,新的人权审判才开始,引发了正义浪潮(并非没有其自身的复杂性,例如2006年绑架了朱利奥·洛佩兹的人,这是准备在本次审判中作证的证人之一) 。我们如何理解这种镇压的遗留物?然后,可以将重点放在信任上,这加深了我们对记忆的理解,

