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HazMapper: a global open-source natural hazard mapping application in Google Earth Engine
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-12 , DOI: 10.5194/nhess-21-1495-2021
Corey M. Scheip , Karl W. Wegmann

Modern satellite networks with rapid image acquisition cycles allow for near-real-time imaging of areas impacted by natural hazards such as mass wasting, flooding, and volcanic eruptions. Publicly accessible multi-spectral datasets (e.g., Landsat, Sentinel-2) are particularly helpful in analyzing the spatial extent of disturbances, however, the datasets are large and require intensive processing on high-powered computers by trained analysts. HazMapper is an open-access hazard mapping application developed in Google Earth Engine that allows users to derive map and GIS-based products from Sentinel or Landsat datasets without the time- and cost-intensive resources required for traditional analysis. The first iteration of HazMapper relies on a vegetation-based metric, the relative difference in the normalized difference vegetation index (rdNDVI), to identify areas on the landscape where vegetation was removed following a natural disaster. Because of the vegetation-based metric, the tool is typically not suitable for use in desert or polar regions. HazMapper is not a semi-automated routine but makes rapid and repeatable analysis and visualization feasible for both recent and historical natural disasters. Case studies are included for the identification of landslides and debris flows, wildfires, pyroclastic flows, and lava flow inundation. HazMapper is intended for use by both scientists and non-scientists, such as emergency managers and public safety decision-makers.


HazMapper:Google Earth Engine中的全球开源自然灾害绘图应用程序

具有快速图像采集周期的现代卫星网络可以对遭受自然灾害(例如大量浪费,洪水和火山喷发)影响的区域进行近实时成像。公众可访问的多光谱数据集(例如Landsat,Sentinel-2)在分析扰动的空间范围方面特别有用,但是,这些数据集很大,需要训练有素的分析人员在高功率计算机上进行密集处理。HazMapper是在Google Earth Engine中开发的一种开放式危险地图绘制应用程序,它使用户可以从Sentinel或Landsat数据集中获取基于地图和GIS的产品,而无需进行传统分析所需的时间和成本密集的资源。HazMapper的第一个迭代依赖于基于植被的指标,即标准化差异植被指数(rdNDVI)中的相对差异,以确定自然灾害后景观被去除的景观区域。由于基于植被的度量标准,该工具通常不适合在沙漠或极地地区使用。HazMapper不是一种半自动化的例程,而是可以对近期和历史上的自然灾害进行快速,可重复的分析和可视化。包括案例研究,用于识别滑坡和泥石流,野火,火山碎屑流和熔岩流淹没。HazMapper旨在供科学家和非科学家使用,例如紧急情况管理人员和公共安全决策者。HazMapper不是一种半自动化的例程,而是可以对近期和历史上的自然灾害进行快速,可重复的分析和可视化。包括案例研究,用于识别滑坡和泥石流,野火,火山碎屑流和熔岩流淹没。HazMapper旨在供科学家和非科学家使用,例如紧急情况管理人员和公共安全决策者。HazMapper不是一种半自动化的例程,而是可以对近期和历史上的自然灾害进行快速,可重复的分析和可视化。包括案例研究,用于识别滑坡和泥石流,野火,火山碎屑流和熔岩流淹没。HazMapper旨在供科学家和非科学家使用,例如紧急情况管理人员和公共安全决策者。