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A highly species-rich jaw-bone artefact from New Guinea
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01354-9
Andrew J. Hamilton , Bronwyn Hopwood

An unusual jaw-bone artefact from the north-western lowlands, West Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea, is described. It comprises 11 clusters of jawbones as well as a pendant of shell and a ring of bone. The clusters are separated by crab legs, and the entire assemblage is threaded on string. Ten of the clusters have four marsupial dentaries each, and one has three. One cluster also hosts a snake mandible, and another the mandible of an unidentified reptile. The marsupial species identified are Echymipera rufescens, Echymipera clara, Phalangista naudicaudatus, Pseudochirulus canescens and Pseudochirulus canescens. A model based on the Second (or Area) Moment of Inertia suggests that the ring of bone might be from a human tibia or fibula. While the artefact was accessioned as a necklace, it might in fact be a waist-band. With so many jaws of different species, the artefact differs markedly from other readily identifiable necklaces and girdles.



描述了一个来自西北低地,西布皮克省,巴布亚新几内亚的不寻常的颚骨文物。它包括11个颚骨簇,以及一个垂坠的贝壳和一枚骨头环。这些簇被蟹腿分开,整个组合都串在绳子上。十个群集中的每个群集有四个有袋牙医,而一个群集则有三个。一簇还藏有蛇下颌骨,另一簇还藏有未识别的爬行动物的下颌骨。确定的有袋动物物种Echymipera rufescensEchymipera克拉拉Phalangista naudicaudatusPseudochirulus四翅滨藜Pseudochirulus四翅滨藜。基于第二(或面积)惯性矩的模型表明,骨环可能来自人类胫骨或腓骨。虽然该人工制品已被添加为项链,但实际上可能是一条腰带。由于有许多不同种类的下巴,因此该手工艺品与其他易于识别的项链和腰带明显不同。
