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Luminescence dating of Youfangbei early late Pleistocene site, Nihewan Basin, North China
Quaternary Research ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-12 , DOI: 10.1017/qua.2021.19
Ying Lu , Xuefeng Sun , Hailong Zhao , Peiyang Tan

Sites dated to the early late Pleistocene are still limited in North China, which has hindered the detailed analysis of the development of Paleolithic industries in the late Pleistocene in this area. The Youfangbei (YFB) site is a newly excavated small-flake-tool Paleolithic site near the Youfang (YF) microblade site in the Nihewan Basin, North China. Because the small-flake-tool industry still existed in the late part of the late Pleistocene and might be related to the emergence of microlithic industries, the relationship between the two sites needs to be determined through a chronological study. Two profiles were excavated, and most of the artifact assemblages were unearthed in the lower profile (T1) from a depth of 0.9 m from the bottom. In this study, the feldspar post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence method was applied to determine the age of the YFB site. Results showed that the upper profile was deposited from 86–0.5 ka, and the cultural layer in T1 yielded age of 124–82 ka, corresponding to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5, with an irregular but generally mild climate. The age of the YFB site is too old to be directly related to that of the YF site, but it partly bridges a chronological gap of human occupation in the Nihewan Basin.



华北地区晚更新世早期遗址仍然有限,阻碍了对该地区晚更新世旧石器时代工业发展的详细分析。油坊北(YFB)遗址是华北泥河湾盆地油坊(YF)微刃遗址附近新开挖的小片状旧石器时代遗址。由于小片工具工业在晚更新世晚期仍然存在,可能与微石器工业的出现有关,因此需要通过年代学研究确定两地之间的关系。出土了两个剖面,大部分人工组合出土于下剖面(T1),距底部0.9 m深处。在这项研究中,采用长石后红外红外受激发光法确定YFB遗址的年龄。结果表明,上剖面沉积于86~0.5 ka,T1文化层产生年龄124~82 ka,对应海洋同位素5期,气候不规则但总体温和。YFB 遗址的年代太久远,无法与 YF 遗址的年代直接相关,但它在一定程度上弥补了泥河湾盆地人类占领的年代差距。