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Predicting the effectiveness of chemotherapy using stochastic ODE models of tumor growth
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2021.105883
Samara Sharpe , Hana M. Dobrovolny

Ordinary differential equation (ODE) models of cancer growth are often used to predict tumor growth and form the basis for more complex models used in personalized medicine. Unfortunately, ODE models provide predictions of the average behavior of the cell population neglecting the fact that cells are discrete objects subject to discrete events. This kind of stochasticity can dramatically change the time course of tumor growth, particularly when the cell population is small. Here, we investigate stochastic versions of seven common ODE models of cancer growth to determine the role of stochasticity in eradicating tumors via chemotherapy. We find that stochasticity leads to differences in predictions among the different models of both the level of chemotherapy needed to cure a tumor and the time it takes to achieve a cure. Our results highlight the need for more investigation of which model provides the best description of cancer growth.



