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Australia’s Forgotten Copper Mining Boom: Understanding How South Australia Avoided Dutch Disease, 1843–1850
Economic Record ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1111/1475-4932.12607
Edwyna Harris 1 , Sumner La Croix 2

Great Britain established the new colony of South Australia (SA) in 1834, and migration from Britain to the colony began in 1836. After seven turbulent years, the discovery of two large deposits of copper at Kapunda (1843–4) and Burra (1844–5) renewed the colony’s economic prospects. Over the 1845–50 period, SA supplied roughly 9 per cent of the world’s copper production. Immigration to SA from Britain soared, with the colony’s population more than tripling between 1844 and 1851. We use the Beine–Coulombe–Vermeulen model of an economy with a booming resource sector to frame our empirical investigation of the boom’s effects on the export of other traded goods and worker living standards. Using newly developed SA wage and price series for this period, we find that immigration mitigated and offset some Dutch disease effects: there were just modest increases in SA living standards, increases in the export of wool and wheat, and a larger share in production for non-traded goods. Finally, we conclude that the decision by Governor Grey to force broad ownership of the ‘monster’ Burra mine and the use of revenues from land sales to subsidise immigration helped SA avoid the corruption and rent-seeking associated with other resource booms.


澳大利亚被遗忘的铜矿开采热潮:了解南澳大利亚如何避免荷兰病,1843-1850 年

英国于 1834 年建立了新的南澳大利亚殖民地 (SA),1836 年开始从英国向该殖民地迁移。经过七年的动荡之后,在 Kapunda (1843-4) 和 Burra (1844) 发现了两个大型铜矿床–5) 更新了殖民地的经济前景。在 1845-50 年间,SA 供应了全球大约 9% 的铜产量。从英国到南澳的移民猛增,1844 年至 1851 年间,该殖民地的人口增加了两倍多。贸易商品和工人生活水平。使用这一时期新开发的南澳工资和价格系列,我们发现移民减轻并抵消了一些荷兰病的影响:南非的生活水平略有提高,羊毛和小麦的出口有所增加,非贸易商品在生产中所占的份额有所增加。最后,我们得出结论,州长 Gray 决定强制广泛拥有“怪物”Burra 矿以及使用土地销售收入来补贴移民,这有助于南澳避免与其他资源繁荣相关的腐败和寻租。