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Lifestyles, sexuality and gender: vulnerability to STIs and unplanned pregnancy among female migrant beer promoters in Lao PDR
Culture, Health & Sexuality ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2021.1913233
Vanphanom Sychareun 1 , Jo Durham 2 , Molina Choummanivong 3 , Chansathit Taikeophithoun 1 , Phouthong Phommavongsa 1 , Vathsana Somphet 1 , Vassana Thammavongsa 1 , Pascale Hancart Petitet 4


In Southeast Asia, many young rural female migrants supplement their income by working as beer promoters. This study examined how young, female beer promoters working in Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR, navigate intimate relations and sexual encounters and how their experiences create sexual vulnerabilities. A total of 30 female beer promoters aged 18-24 years old were recruited using snowball sampling. Repeated face-to-face in-depth interviews were undertaken and thematic analysis conducted to identify common themes. Most participants had their first coital experience pre-migration but living in the city introduced them to a larger pool of potential partners. Unprotected sexual intercourse was common, with young women usually deferring to their male partners preference for non-condom use. Working as beer promoters, the sexualised environment of the bar room promoted male ideals of femininity and exposed the young women to sexual harassment. While the young women used various strategies to assert their autonomy, and challenge unequal gender norms, the prevailing male hegemony acted to subvert female sexual agency. Leveraging young urban migrants’ desire to complete education, live independently and postpone motherhood may provide opportunities to examine and challenge gender norms and harmful practices.




在东南亚,许多年轻的农村女性移民通过担任啤酒促销员来补充收入。这项研究调查了在老挝人民民主共和国万象首都工作的年轻女性啤酒推广者如何驾驭亲密关系和性接触,以及她们的经历如何造成性脆弱。使用雪球抽样法共招募了 30 名 18-24 岁的女性啤酒推广员。进行了反复的面对面深入访谈,并进行了主题分析以确定共同主题。大多数参与者在移民前都有过他们的第一次性交经历,但生活在城市中为他们带来了更多的潜在合作伙伴。无保护的性交很常见,年轻女性通常遵从男性伴侣不使用安全套的偏好。作为啤酒推广员,酒吧房间的性感环境促进了男性的女性气质,并使年轻女性遭受性骚扰。虽然年轻女性使用各种策略来维护她们的自主权,并挑战不平等的性别规范,但盛行的男性霸权却在颠覆女性的性能动性。利用年轻的城市移民完成教育、独立生活和推迟生育的愿望,可能会提供机会来审视和挑战性别规范和有害做法。
