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Dark energy nature of viscus universe in f(Q)-gravity with observational constraints
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-08 , DOI: 10.1142/s0219887821501243
Anirudh Pradhan 1 , Dinesh Chandra Maurya 2 , Archana Dixit 1

In this study, we have investigated the dark energy behavior of the viscus-fluid in f(Q)-gravity in a flat, isotropic and homogeneous Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) space-time metric. We have considered the linear form of f(Q) function as f(Q) = αQ β with α > 0 and β > 0 as model parameters. We have solved the field equations for the scale factor a(τ) and found a(τ) = c1[sinh(k2τ)]k3, where k2 = 3αβ(1+ω)2 24πξ0 β(1+ω) 22α and k3 = 2α 3α(1+ω)24πξ0 and c1 is an integrating constant, ω is the EoS for normal matter and ξ0 is generated from bulk-viscus fluid. We have calculated the several cosmological parameters for this scale factor and studied their physical and geometrical behavior along the observational data sets H(z) and Union 2.1 compilation of SNe Ia data sets. We have observed that the β factor reveals the presence of cosmological constant and for β = 0, the acceleration drives by the bulk-viscosity of the fluid and it behaves just like dark energy model without cosmological constant. We have studied the effective EoS ωeff and found 0.2807 ωeff 0.1760. We have evaluated the age of the present universe as 13.68 Gyrs. and also, we have studied the nature of deceleration parameter with the signature-flipping point at zt = 0.5, 1.87 and the present value of deceleration parameter q0 is obtained as 0.3309,0.8035.


具有观测约束的 f(Q)-重力中粘滞宇宙的暗能量性质

在这项研究中,我们研究了粘性流体的暗能量行为F()- 平面、各向同性和均匀的 Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) 时空度量中的重力。我们考虑了线性形式F()作为F() = -α - βα > 0β > 0作为模型参数。我们已经求解了比例因子的场方程一种(τ)并发现一种(τ) = C1[H(ķ2τ)]ķ3, 在哪里ķ2 = 3αβ(1+ω)2 -24πξ0 β(1+ω) 22αķ3 = 2α 3α(1+ω)-24πξ0C1是一个积分常数,ω是正常物质的 EoS 和ξ0由散装粘性流体产生。我们已经计算了这个比例因子的几个宇宙学参数,并沿着观测数据集研究了它们的物理和几何行为H(z)和联盟2.1SNe Ia 数据集的汇编。我们观察到,β因子揭示了宇宙学常数的存在,并且对于β = 0,加速度由流体的体积粘度驱动,它的行为就像没有宇宙学常数的暗能量模型。我们研究了有效的 EOSω效果并发现 - 0.2807 ω效果 -0.1760. 我们将当前宇宙的年龄评估为13.68陀螺。而且,我们研究了减速参数的性质,签名翻转点为z = 0.5, 1.87和减速参数的当前值q0获得为 - 0.3309,-0.8035.