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Forward dynamic analyses of cable-driven parallel robots with constant input with applications to their kinetostatic problems
Mechanism and Machine Theory ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2021.104381
Teja Krishna Mamidi , Sandipan Bandyopadhyay

Forward dynamic analyses of cable-driven parallel robots (CDPRs) are performed accounting for the spatial motions of the cables while considering their mass, sag, elastic and damping properties. The winches feeding the cables are considered stationary. An efficient recursive forward dynamic algorithm is developed to perform the extremely demanding computations. As a part of this work, a solution to the kinetostatic problem of CDPRs is proposed, wherein starting with a non-equilibrium pose, the CDPR is allowed to evolve dynamically until attaining an equilibrium. This idea is demonstrated on a spatial 6-3 CDPR, the feed-support system of the Five-hundred-meter aperture spherical radio telescope (FAST), as well as the 8-8 CDPR, CoGiRo. Dynamic simulation of this nature using a full-scale model of the FAST manipulator is reported for the first time. The results are validated numerically, as well as against existing models, wherever feasible. Challenges involved in the modelling and computations at such a scale and the corresponding remedies are elaborated.



 考虑到电缆的空间运动,同时考虑电缆的质量,垂度,弹性和阻尼特性,对电缆驱动的并行机器人(CDPR)进行了前向动力学分析。给电缆供电的绞盘被认为是固定的。开发了一种有效的递归前向动态算法来执行极其苛刻的计算。作为这项工作的一部分,提出了一种解决CDPR运动静力学问题的方法,其中以非平衡姿势开始,允许CDPR动态发展直至达到平衡。这种想法在空间6-3 CDPR上得到了证明,这是五百米孔径球面射电望远镜的馈电支持系统 (FAST)以及8-8 CDPR CoGiRo。首次报道了使用FAST机械手的完整模型进行这种性质的动态仿真。在可行的情况下,对结果进行数字验证,并针对现有模型进行验证。详细阐述了在如此规模的建模和计算中所面临的挑战以及相应的补救措施。
