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Conservation monitoring of a polluted urban river: an occupancy modeling study of birds in the Yamuna of Delhi
Urban Ecosystems ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s11252-021-01127-1
Sana Rehman , Nawin Kumar Tiwary , Abdul Jamil Urfi

Given that ecological knowledge of large urban river systems is extremely sparse due to logistics and accessibility an occupancy modeling study was conducted on the resident birds of Delhi. River Yamuna passing through Delhi is a refuge for several resident and migratory species of birds but its water quality has been deteriorating due to ever growing population, contributing most of its pollution load in the urban center. The objectives of this study were 1) to determine whether the occupancy of common waterbirds varied between differential polluted sections of the river, 2) to better understand the associations between habitat variables and use of the river habitat by common waterbirds and 3) to identify whether any species or groups of species could be useful as indicators for habitat quality. The occupancy parameter Ψ was estimated for 17 common resident species among 68 species, recorded from 176 sampling locations during 2018, on the banks of river. Species occupancy was estimated as a function of habitat variables such as physico-chemical characteristic of water, solid waste, percent area of surface and emergent vegetation and human disturbance at each sampling site. The results suggest that Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis), Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea), Grey-headed Swamphen (Porphyrio poliocephalus), Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra), Common Moorhen (Gallinuala chloropus), Purple Heron (Ardea purpurea) and Little Cormorant (Microcarbo niger) are negatively associated with the Total Dissolved Solute (TDS). Interestingly, occupancy of Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) is negatively associated with pH but positively with solid waste strongly suggesting its preference for the polluted sections of the river, possibly due to the increased availability of food. For river Yamuna, estimates of Ψ for various birds forms a baseline to study future trends. This study also indicates that species like Black-winged Stilt, can serve as an indicator of contaminated water bodies. The challenges posed by increasing urbanization and pollution to riparian bird habitats in urban areas can be effectively dealt with by incorporating such ecological knowledge with habitat restoration and conservation efforts.



由于后勤和交通便利性,鉴于大型城市河流系统的生态知识极为稀疏,因此对德里的居住鸟类进行了居住模型研究。经过德里的亚穆纳河是数种常驻和候鸟的避难所,但由于人口的不断增长,其水质一直在恶化,这是造成市区大部分污染负荷的原因。这项研究的目的是:1)确定普通水鸟在河流的不同污染区之间的占有率是否发生变化; 2)更好地了解栖息地变量与普通水鸟对河流栖息地的利用之间的联系; 3)确定是否任何物种或物种组都可以用作栖息地质量的指标。在2018年期间,从河岸的176个采样点记录了68种物种中17种常见常住物种的占用参数Ψ。估计物种的占有量是栖息地变量的函数,例如水的物理化学特征,固体废物,表面和新兴植被的面积百分比以及每个采样点的人为干扰。结果表明,小格里布(小䴙䴘属鷉),苍鹭(苍鹭),灰头水鸡(Porphyrio poliocephalus),欧亚笨人(大蜗牛ATRA),黑水鸡(Gallinuala chloropus),草鹭(鹭菊)和黑颈鸬鹚(Microcarbo曲霉)是负与总溶解溶质(TDS)相关联。有趣的是,黑翅高跷(Himantopus himantopus)的占有率pH与pH呈负相关,而与固体废物呈正相关,强烈表明其偏爱河流的污染区域,这可能是由于食物供应量增加所致。对于亚穆纳河,各种鸟类的estimates估计值构成了研究未来趋势的基准。这项研究还表明,像黑翅高跷这样的物种可以作为污染水体的指标。通过将此类生态知识与栖息地恢复和保护工作结合起来,可以有效应对城市化和污染加剧给城市河岸鸟类栖息地带来的挑战。
