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Ethical perplexities of researching with children in uncertain times: a dialogic approach
International Studies in Sociology of Education ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1080/09620214.2021.1925140
Claire Lee 1


In this article I compare two studies, one pre- and one post-COVID-19, to consider the ethics of researching with children, especially during uncertain times. I argue that ethics are entwined with assumptions about children, ‘voice’, relational dynamics and representation. To reflect upon those assumptions and their ethical implications, I draw upon three Bakhtinian dialogical principles: that the self is in its nature responsive and never fully knowable or complete; that meaning-making is a complex, dynamic, situated activity; and that finalisation is deeply unethical. I propose a dialogic approach to researching with children as an ethical orientation which respects our common humanity and agency and allows for trust, sensitivity, responsive meaning-making, openness and inarticulacy. I also consider the perplexities of achieving dialogic relationships and meaningful dialogue with children, especially at times when researcher and participants may be separated physically in space and time and when methodological compromises may be unavoidable.




在本文中,我比较了两项研究,一项是 COVID-19 之前的研究,一项是 COVID-19 之后的一项研究,以考虑与儿童进行研究的道德规范,尤其是在不确定的时期。我认为伦理与关于儿童、“声音”、关系动态和表征的假设交织在一起。为了反思这些假设及其伦理含义,我借鉴了巴赫金的三个对话原则:自我本质上是敏感的,永远不会完全可知或完整;意义创造是一种复杂的、动态的、情境化的活动;最终确定是非常不道德的。我提出了一种对话式的研究方法,将儿童研究作为一种道德取向,尊重我们共同的人性和能动性,并允许信任、敏感、反应灵敏的意义创造、开放和不善言辞。
