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Weather memories
Weather ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-11 , DOI: 10.1002/wea.3996

Memories of the journal

Memory 1 ‐ My grandfather was involved in the creation of Weather

Martin Poulter (age 58)

My grandfather, Robert Martin Poulter OBE, helped to create Weather magazine.

He worked at the Met Office from 1914, serving in World War I as a Meteorological Observer with the Royal Engineers and in World War II as a Meteorological Officer with the RAF. He became a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society in 1933.

In 1946, when the RMetS was considering publishing a new popular weather magazine, my grandfather was one of four members of a special committee set up to examine the idea. They met during January/February 1946 and their recommendations led to the publication of Weather in May of that year. I have a copy of a report that the committee produced.

My grandfather was involved in putting together the early issues of the journal. He wrote articles, such as (in the June issue of that year) ‘The Forecaster Speaks to You’ which was about the Air Ministry's recently resumed broadcasts of weather reports. He also sought articles from colleagues in the RAF (and others) and promoted the journal to them. He appears to have compiled the first weather reports in Weather (his initials, RMP, appear at the bottom of them).

Memory 2 ‐ Production process of Weather and The Quarterly Journal (QJ)

Richard Pettifer

During 2005/2006, as the then Executive Secretary of the RMetS, it became clear to me that the Society could not sustain much longer the in‐house processes which had produced Weather and QJ for many years. The digital publication and production of journals was fast approaching and the investment required for the Society to make that paradigm shift for the scale of publication that we could sustain, was far too great. Moreover, the additional concerns of ‘open access’ and ‘pay per view’ were putting considerable strain on the then standard model of a cover subscription. Libraries were becoming more and more reluctant to accept routine increases in subscription charges and the level of charge that would have been needed to sustain the journal income that had for many years been so important to the Society was unrealistic. Something had to be done.

So, working with Paul Hardaker, the then Chairman of the Publications Committee (later my successor as Chief Executive of the Society), I proposed that the Society should cease internal publication and put the journals out to tender to the science publication companies. This was a major, indeed almost revolutionary, change. ‘QJ’, in particular, had always been seen as the ‘crown jewels’ of the Society and there were many strongly held and understandable views among senior people that they should not be ‘given away’. The business case for the change was complex (partly because of the ‘free issue to members’ status of Weather) and it took many revisions of the figures and projections before Council were convinced. The result of a long tendering process was the relationship that has existed ever since with John Wiley & Sons and which has sustained and grown the Society's journal income ever since. For most members of the Society this may well be a rather obscure ‘weather event’ but it is one that has reshaped the Society itself over the past 15 years or so.






我的祖父Robert Martin Poulter OBE帮助创建了Weather杂志。


1946年,当RMetS正在考虑出版一本新的流行天气杂志时,我的祖父是为审查这一想法而成立的特别委员会的四名成员之一。他们在1946年1月/ 2月开会,他们的建议导致该年5月出版了Weather。我有委员会编写的报告的副本。



理查德·佩蒂弗(Richard Pettifer)


因此,我与当时的出版委员会主席保罗·哈达克(后来是我的学会继任首席执行官)合作,提议学会停止内部出版,并将期刊招标给科学出版公司。这是一个重大的变化,实际上几乎是革命性的变化。特别是,“ QJ ”一直被视为学会的“皇冠上的明珠”,并且在老年人中有许多坚决且可以理解的观点,即不应将它们“给予”。更改的业务案例很复杂(部分原因是Weather的“会员免费问题”状态),并在说服安理会之前对数字和预测进行了多次修订。漫长的招标过程导致了与约翰·威利父子公司之间一直存在的关系,并且自此以后就一直维持并增加了协会的期刊收入。对于协会的大多数成员来说,这可能是一个相当晦涩的“天气事件”,但这是在过去15年左右的时间里重新塑造了协会本身的事件。
