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Resolving the ultraluminous X-ray sources in the Ly α emitting galaxy Haro 11
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-08 , DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab1331
Arran C Gross 1 , Andrea Prestwich 2 , Philip Kaaret 1

Lyman continuum and line emission are thought to be important agents in the reionization of the early Universe. Haro 11 is a rare example of a local galaxy in which Ly α and continuum emission have escaped without being absorbed or scattered by ambient gas and dust, potentially as a consequence of feedback from its X-ray sources. We build on our previous Chandra analysis of Haro 11 by analysing three new observations. Our subpixel spatial analysis reveals that the two previously known X-ray sources are each better modelled as ensembles of at least two unresolved point sources. The spatial variability of these components reveals X1 as a dynamical system where one luminous X-ray source (LX ∼ 1041 erg s−1) fades as a secondary source begins to flare. These might be intermediate-mass black holes or low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) near the centre of the galaxy in the process of merging. Optical emission line diagnostics drawn from the literature suggest that while the galaxy as a whole is consistent with starburst signatures of ionization, the individual regions wherein the X-ray sources reside are more consistent with AGN/composite classification. The sources in X2 exhibit some degree of flux variability. X2a dominates the flux of this region during most observations (LX ∼ 6 × 1040 erg s−1), and gives the only evidence in the galaxy of a soft ultraluminous X-ray source capable of high-energy winds, which we suggest are responsible for allowing the coincident Ly α emission to escape.


解析 Ly α 发射星系 Haro 11 中的超发光 X 射线源

莱曼连续谱和线发射被认为是早期宇宙再电离的重要因素。Haro 11 是一个罕见的局部星系例子,其中 Ly α 和连续谱发射没有被环境气体和尘埃吸收或散射而逸出,这可能是其 X 射线源反馈的结果。我们通过分析三个新的观察结果来建立我们之前对 Haro 11 的 Chandra 分析。我们的亚像素空间分析表明,两个先前已知的 X 射线源都可以更好地建模为至少两个未解决的点源的集合。这些分量的空间变异性表明 X1 是一个动态系统,其中一个发光的 X 射线源 (LX ~ 1041 erg s-1) 随着第二个源开始耀斑而消退。这些可能是合并过程中靠近星系中心的中等质量黑洞或低光度活动星系核(AGN)。从文献中得出的光学发射线诊断表明,虽然整个星系与电离的星暴特征一致,但 X 射线源所在的各个区域更符合 AGN/复合分类。X2 中的源表现出一定程度的通量可变性。在大多数观测期间,X2a 主导该区域的通量(LX ∼ 6 × 1040 erg s-1),并且提供了银河系中能够产生高能风的软​​超发光 X 射线源的唯一证据,我们认为这是造成这种风的原因允许同时发生的 Ly α 发射逃逸。从文献中得出的光学发射线诊断表明,虽然整个星系与电离的星暴特征一致,但 X 射线源所在的各个区域更符合 AGN/复合分类。X2 中的源表现出一定程度的通量可变性。在大多数观测期间,X2a 主导该区域的通量(LX ∼ 6 × 1040 erg s-1),并且提供了银河系中能够产生高能风的软​​超发光 X 射线源的唯一证据,我们认为这是造成这种风的原因允许同时发生的 Ly α 发射逃逸。从文献中得出的光学发射线诊断表明,虽然整个星系与电离的星暴特征一致,但 X 射线源所在的各个区域更符合 AGN/复合分类。X2 中的源表现出一定程度的通量可变性。在大多数观测期间,X2a 主导该区域的通量(LX ∼ 6 × 1040 erg s-1),并且提供了银河系中能够产生高能风的软​​超发光 X 射线源的唯一证据,我们认为这是造成这种风的原因允许同时发生的 Ly α 发射逃逸。X2 中的源表现出一定程度的通量可变性。在大多数观测期间,X2a 主导该区域的通量(LX ∼ 6 × 1040 erg s-1),并且提供了银河系中能够产生高能风的软​​超发光 X 射线源的唯一证据,我们认为这是造成这种风的原因允许同时发生的 Ly α 发射逃逸。X2 中的源表现出一定程度的通量可变性。在大多数观测期间,X2a 主导该区域的通量(LX ∼ 6 × 1040 erg s-1),并且提供了银河系中能够产生高能风的软​​超发光 X 射线源的唯一证据,我们认为这是造成这种风的原因允许同时发生的 Ly α 发射逃逸。