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Gadgets and Messenger Applications as an Instrument for Secondary School Administration
Education Research International Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1155/2021/5519942
Vadym Luniachek 1 , Tetyana Varenko 2

This research is intended to study the influence that gadgets and messenger applications have on the management process in institutions of general secondary education (IGSE) in Ukraine. The relevance thereof is conditioned by the fact that this subject matter has never been previously in the focus of any specific research in either Ukraine or the world. It relies on the data collected through an online questionnaire distributed among the IGSE administrators of Ukraine. The findings reveal that the use of gadgets and messenger applications in IGSEs is becoming new normal in the management activity of the IGSE administrators while raising a number of ethical questions related to violation of the subordinates’ rights to privacy and personal time and space.


