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Ecofeminist Theology: Intersectional Justice and Plumwood’s Philosophical Animism
Feminist Theology ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1177/09667350211000607
Kimberly Carfore 1

The multi-faceted ecological crisis—combining problems of ecology, society, and religion—is tied to the ideologies implicit in Western thinking. In this essay, I outline an ecofeminist theology which addresses how the current ecological crisis we face—including but not limited to, climate change, mass species extinction, ocean acidification, the rise in wildfires and superstorms, glacial melt, pollution—are tied to problematic and incorrect ideologies. To do this, I utilize Val Plumwood’s robust ecofeminist philosophy to revealing harmful dualisms implicit in all forms of oppression. I critique transcendental monotheism for extracting life, God, and agency from the natural world. If God exists over and above the Earth, and this God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, this justifies the problematic lagged response to our urgent ecological crisis. In short, my ecofeminist theology (1) affirms intersectionality. It considers racial injustice and systemic racism are intertwined with the ecological crises. We cannot address our ecological crisis without also addressing racial injustice. (2) It critiques a transcendental monotheistic God as this reinforces irresponsible and apathetic responses to our multi-faceted ecological crisis. And (3) it affirms Plumwood’s “philosophical animism” as a way to retrieve nature in the active voice. By retrieving nature in the active voice, we retrieve a sense of groundedness in place through relationships with non-humans. Her “philosophical animism” affirms agency in the natural world without culturally appropriating Indigenous cultures. It is a way for Westerners to enter into dialogical relationship with the natural world. It is both political—affirming the rights of Black, Indigenous, and other people of color—and it is personal—engaging in a practice of the wild (Gary Snyder).



涉及生态,社会和宗教问题的多方面生态危机与西方思维中隐含的意识形态息息相关。在本文中,我概述了一种生态女性主义神学,该神学论述了我们当前面临的生态危机,包括但不限于气候变化,物种灭绝,海洋酸化,野火和超级风暴的上升,冰川融化,污染与环境的关系有问题和不正确的意识形态。为此,我利用瓦尔·普拉姆伍德(Val Plumwood)强有力的生态女性主义哲学来揭示各种形式的压迫中所隐含的有害二元论。我批评先验一神论从自然界中提取生命,神和能动性。如果上帝存在于地球之上和之上,而这个上帝是万能的,无所不在的和无所不知的,这证明了对我们紧急的生态危机的反应迟钝的问题。简而言之,我的生态女性主义神学(1)肯定了交叉性。它认为种族不公和系统性种族主义与生态危机息息相关。如果不解决种族不公,就无法解决生态危机。(2)它批评了超验的一神论神,因为它加强了对我们多方面生态危机的不负责任和冷漠的反应。并且(3)确认了Plumwood的“哲学万物有灵论”是一种以主动语态恢复自然的方式。通过以主动语态检索自然,我们可以通过与非人类的关系来获得适当的扎根感。她的“哲学万物有灵论”肯定了自然界的代理权,而没有在文化上适合土著文化。这是西方人与自然界建立对话关系的一种方式。参与野外实践既是政治上的(肯定了黑人,土著人和其他有色人种的权利),也是个人的(Gary Snyder)。
