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Feminist Theology Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1177/09667350211000608
Lisa Isherwood

Like so many others, during 2020 Britain and Ireland School of Feminist Theology (BISFT) had its planned summer school cancelled due to the COVID pandemic. However, we are delighted to say the keynotes and seminar contributors to that summer school still produced their papers, which form the body of this issue. It seems quite fitting that this is an issue addressing eco-issues largely from a feminist perspective which we believe is so crucial in any discussions about how to build a more eco-friendly life at a time when ‘build back better’ has become a cry in the hands of those both on the left and on the right. Of course, the meaning is vastly different in both camps and feminist voices are scarcely heard. Some have expressed the hope that the combination of a deadly pandemic, which has shown the world that a virus is a living thing able to change and adapt and overcome humans, and the harsh realities of Brexit h given people an insight, however minimal, into a changed world that is nothing compared to the devastation of the sixth extinction – an extinction that is no longer just a theory but a reality if we do not rapidly change how we live on the planet.


