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Women in Glass: Women at the Harvard Observatory during the Era of Astronomical Glass Plate Photography, 1875–1975
Journal for the History of Astronomy ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1177/00218286211000470
Lindsay Smith Zrull 1

Starting in the late 19th century, the Harvard Observatory hired women to study stars via the Astronomical Photographic Glass Plate Collection. Some of these women—such as Annie Jump Cannon, Henrietta Leavitt, and Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin—made discoveries that changed astrophysics forever. However, they were far from the only women working at the Harvard Observatory during the era of astronomical glass plate photography. Historically, most of these women have been anonymous. The names found on over 400,000 glass plate envelopes were compiled into a list of all the women who left their mark on the collection between 1875 and 1975. Through this list of names, it is revealed that Harvard’s glass plate collection acted as a haven for women who wanted to study the stars, long before they found equality in the field of astronomy.



从19世纪末开始,哈佛天文台聘请妇女通过天文照相玻璃板收藏馆研究恒星。其中一些女性,例如安妮·坎普(Anne Jump Cannon),亨利埃塔·莱维特(Henrietta Leavitt)和塞西莉亚·佩恩·卡波奇金(Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin),这些发现永远改变了天体物理学。然而,在天文玻璃板摄影时代,他们远非在哈佛天文台工作的唯一女性。从历史上看,这些妇女大多数都是匿名的。在超过40万个玻璃盘子信封上发现的名字被汇总为1875年至1975年间在该系列上留下自己标记的所有妇女的名单。通过该名单,可以看出哈佛大学的玻璃盘子收藏充当了女性的避风港。他们想研究恒星,远远早于天文学领域的平等。
