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Leader Election in Arbitrarily Connected Networks with Process Crashes and Weak Channel Reliability
arXiv - CS - Performance Pub Date : 2021-05-06 , DOI: arxiv-2105.02972
Carlos López, Sergio Rajsbaum, Michel Raynal, Karla Vargas

A channel from a process p to a process q satisfies the ADD property if there are constants K and D, unknown to the processes, such that in any sequence of K consecutive messages sent by p to q, at least one of them is delivered to q at most D time units after it has been sent. This paper studies implementations of an eventual leader, namely, an {\Omega} failure detector, in an arbitrarily connected network of eventual ADD channels, where processes may fail by crashing. It first presents an algorithm that assumes that processes initially know n, the total number of processes, sending messages of size O( log n). Then, it presents a second algorithm that does not assume the processes know n. Eventually the size of the messages sent by this algorithm is also O( log n). These are the first implementations of leader election in the ADD model. In this model, only eventually perfect failure detectors were considered, sending messages of size O(n log n).



如果存在进程未知的常数K和D,则从进程p到进程q的通道满足ADD属性,从而在由p发送给q的K个连续消息的任何序列中,至少有一个被传递到q在发送后最多D个时间单位。本文研究了最终领导者(即{\ Omega}故障检测器)在最终连接的ADD通道的任意连接网络中的实现,其中进程可能会因崩溃而失败。首先,它提出一种算法,该算法假定进程最初知道n,即进程总数,发送大小为O(log n)的消息。然后,它提出了第二种算法,该算法不假定进程知道n。最终,此算法发送的消息的大小也为O(log n)。这些是ADD模型中领导人选举的第一个实现。