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Four Frankish gravestones from medieval Ephesus
Anatolian Studies ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s0066154621000107
Ergün Laflı , Maurizio Buora , Denys Pringle

This paper presents and discusses four Latin tombstones relating to Italian residents of medieval Ephesus that have been recovered from properties on the terrace of Ayasuluk (Selçuk), near the Byzantine Church of St John the Evangelist. Two of them, dating from the late 14th century, were originally published in 1937, while the other two, from the mid- 15th century, came to light more recently in January 2017.



本文介绍并讨论了四块与中世纪以弗所意大利居民有关的拉丁墓碑,这些墓碑是从圣约翰福音传教士拜占庭教堂附近的 Ayasuluk (Selçuk) 露台上的财产中发现的。其中两本可追溯至 14 世纪后期,最初于 1937 年出版,而另外两本则于 15 世纪中叶,于 2017 年 1 月最近曝光。