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Protective Immunity Induced by an Eimeria tenella Whole Sporozoite Vaccine Elicits Specific B-Cell Antigens
Animals ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-09 , DOI: 10.3390/ani11051344
Marco A. Juárez-Estrada , Amanda Gayosso-Vázquez , Guillermo Tellez-Isaias , Rogelio A. Alonso-Morales

This study investigated protection against Eimeria tenella following the vaccination of chicks with 5.3 × 106 E. tenella whole-sporozoites emulsified in the nanoparticle adjuvant IMS 1313 N VG Montanide™ (EtSz-IMS1313). One-day-old specific pathogen-free (SPF) chicks were subcutaneously injected in the neck with EtSz-IMS1313 on the 1st and 10th days of age. Acquired immunity was assayed through a challenge with 3 × 104 homologous sporulated oocysts at 21 days of age. The anticoccidial index (ACI) calculated for every group showed the effectiveness of EtSz-IMS1313 as a vaccine with an ACI of 186; the mock-injected control showed an ACI of 18 and the unimmunized, challenged control showed an ACI of −28. In a comparison assay, antibodies from rabbits and SPF birds immunized with EtSz-IMS1313 recognized almost the same polypeptides in the blotting of E. tenella sporozoites and merozoites. However, rabbit antisera showed the clearest recognition pattern. Polypeptides of 120, 105, 94, 70, 38, and 19 kDa from both E. tenella life cycle stages were the most strongly recognized by both animal species. The E. tenella zoite-specific IgG antibodies from the rabbits demonstrated the feasibility for successful B cell antigen identification.



本研究调查防止柔嫩艾美耳球虫雏鸡接种5.3×10以下6禽艾美球虫的纳米颗粒佐剂中乳化的全子孢子IMS 1313ñVG的Montanide™(EtSz-IMS1313)。在第1天和第10天,将1天大的不含特定病原体(SPF)的小鸡皮下注射EtSz-IMS1313。通过3×10 4的攻击来测试获得的免疫力在21日龄时有同源的孢子形成的卵囊。为每组计算的抗球虫指数(ACI)显示出EtSz-IMS1313作为ACI为186的疫苗的有效性。模拟注射的对照显示ACI为18,未免疫的攻击对照显示ACI为-28。在比较试验中,用EtSz-IMS1313免疫的兔和SPF鸟类的抗体在tenella孢子虫和裂殖子的印迹中识别几乎相同的多肽。但是,兔抗血清显示出最清晰的识别模式。来自两个大肠杆菌的生命周期阶段的120、105、94、70、38和19 kDa的多肽被这两个动物物种最强烈地识别。该柔嫩艾美耳球虫 来自兔的沸石特异IgG抗体证明了成功鉴定B细胞抗原的可行性。