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Racial, Gender, and Age Dynamics in Michigan’s Urban and Rural Farmers Markets: Reducing Food Insecurity, and the Impacts of a Pandemic
American Behavioral Scientist ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-08 , DOI: 10.1177/00027642211013387
Dorceta E Taylor 1 , Alliyah Lusuegro 2 , Victoria Loong 3 , Alexis Cambridge 4 , Claire Nichols 5 , Maeghen Goode 6 , Ember McCoy 6 , Socorro M Daupan 6 , M'Lis Bartlett 6 , Erin Noel 7 , Brayden Pollvogt 8

In recent decades, the number of farmer’s markets has increased dramatically across the country. Though farmers markets have been described as White spaces, they can play important roles in reducing food insecurity. This is particularly true in Michigan where farmer’s markets were crucial collaborators in pioneering programs such as Double-Up Food Bucks that help low-income residents and people of color gain access to fresh, healthy, locally grown food. This article examines the questions: (1) What are the demographic characteristics of the farmers market managers, vendors, and customers and how do these influence market activities? (2) To what extent do farmers markets participate in programs aimed at reducing food insecurity? (3) To what extent do farmers markets serve low-income residents and people of color? and (4) How has the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) affected the operations of farmers markets. This article discusses the findings of a 2020 study that examined the extent to which Michigan’s farmer’s markets served low-income customers and people of color and participated in food assistance programs. The study examined 79 farmers markets and found that 87.3% of the farmer’s market managers are White. On average, roughly 79% of the vendors of the markets are White and almost 18% are people of color. Most of the vendors in the markets participate in nutrition assistance programs. Market managers estimate that about 76% of their customers are White and about 23% are people of color. Farmers markets operated by people of color attract higher numbers of customers and vendors of color than those operated White market managers. Almost half of the farmer’s markets started operations later than usual in 2020 because of the pandemic. More than a third of the markets reported that their funding declined during the pandemic. Moreover, the number of vendors declined at two thirds of the markets and the number of customers dipped at more than 40% of the markets. On the other hand, the number of people requesting food assistance during the pandemic increased in more than half of the markets.



近几十年来,全国农贸市场的数量急剧增加。尽管农贸市场被描述为白色空间,但它们可以在减少粮食不安全方面发挥重要作用。在密歇根州尤其如此,那里的农贸市场是开创性计划的重要合作者,例如帮助低收入居民和有色人种获得新鲜、健康、当地种植的食物的 Double-Up Food Bucks 等。本文考察了以下问题:(1)农贸市场经营者、供应商、和客户,这些如何影响市场活动?(2) 农贸市场在多大程度上参与了旨在减少粮食不安全的计划?(3)农贸市场在多大程度上为低收入居民和有色人种服务?(4) 冠状病毒大流行 (COVID-19) 如何影响农贸市场的运作。本文讨论了 2020 年一项研究的结果,该研究检查了密歇根农贸市场为低收入客户和有色人种服务以及参与食品援助计划的程度。该研究调查了 79 个农贸市场,发现 87.3% 的农贸市场经理是白人。平均而言,市场上大约 79% 的供应商是白人,近 18% 是有色人种。市场上的大多数供应商都参与了营养援助计划。市场经理估计,他们大约 76% 的客户是白人,大约 23% 是有色人种。由有色人种经营的农贸市场吸引的有色人种顾客和供应商数量比经营白人市场经理的要多。由于大流行,几乎一半的农贸市场在 2020 年比往常晚开始营业。超过三分之一的市场报告称,他们的资金在大流行期间下降。此外,供应商数量下降了三分之二的市场,客户数量下降了超过 40% 的市场。另一方面,在大流行期间请求粮食援助的人数在一半以上的市场中有所增加。由有色人种经营的农贸市场吸引的有色人种顾客和供应商数量比经营白人市场经理的要多。由于大流行,几乎一半的农贸市场在 2020 年比往常晚开始营业。超过三分之一的市场报告称,他们的资金在大流行期间下降。此外,供应商数量下降了三分之二的市场,客户数量下降了超过 40% 的市场。另一方面,在大流行期间请求粮食援助的人数在一半以上的市场中有所增加。由有色人种经营的农贸市场吸引的有色人种顾客和供应商数量比经营白人市场经理的要多。由于大流行,几乎一半的农贸市场在 2020 年比往常晚开始营业。超过三分之一的市场报告称,他们的资金在大流行期间下降。此外,供应商数量下降了三分之二的市场,客户数量下降了超过 40% 的市场。另一方面,在大流行期间请求粮食援助的人数在一半以上的市场中有所增加。超过三分之一的市场报告称,他们的资金在大流行期间下降。此外,供应商数量下降了三分之二的市场,客户数量下降了超过 40% 的市场。另一方面,在大流行期间请求粮食援助的人数在一半以上的市场中有所增加。超过三分之一的市场报告称,他们的资金在大流行期间下降。此外,供应商数量下降了三分之二的市场,客户数量下降了超过 40% 的市场。另一方面,在大流行期间请求粮食援助的人数在一半以上的市场中有所增加。
