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Practicing Keywords to Increase Reading Performance of Students With Intellectual Disability.
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ( IF 2.297 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1352/1944-7558-126.3.230
Mallory A Stevens 1 , Matthew K Burns 1

The purpose of the current study was to determine the extent to which practicing keywords increased word recognition, reading fluency and comprehension for students with intellectual disability (ID). The dependent measures included word recognition (i.e., the percentage of previously unknown keywords read correctly in the given text), reading fluency (i.e., words read correctly in 1 minute), and reading comprehension (i.e., number of questions answered correctly out of five). The participants were three fourth-grade students who were identified as having ID in early childhood with IQ scores of 45, 62, and 78. Words from reading passages were practiced with Incremental Rehearsal (IR) using a multielement, single-case design. Practicing keywords led to higher subsequent in-text recognition and generalization for a high percentage of the taught words. Additionally, there was clear experimental control for increases in reading fluency. There was not a strong effect on reading comprehension. Implications for research and practice are discussed.



当前研究的目的是确定练习关键词在多大程度上提高了智障学生的单词识别、阅读流畅度和理解能力。依赖的测量包括单词识别(即,在给定文本中正确阅读以前未知的关键字的百分比)、阅读流畅性(即,单词在 1 分钟内正确阅读)和阅读理解(即正确回答的五个问题的数量) )。参与者是三名四年级学生,他们在幼儿时期被确定为智力障碍,智商分别为 45、62 和 78。阅读段落中的单词使用多元素、单案例设计通过增量排练 (IR) 进行练习。练习关键字导致更高比例的教学单词的后续文本识别和概括。此外,对于提高阅读流畅度有明确的实验控制。对阅读理解没有太大影响。讨论了对研究和实践的影响。