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Chemosensory Loss during a Traumatic Brain Injury Suggests a Central Pathway for the Rehabilitation of Anosmia
Chemical Senses ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjab016
David G Laing 1 , Adrienne Epps 2 , Anthony L Jinks 3

Currently, no method has been developed for rehabilitating olfaction in anosmic patients following a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Here a method for rehabilitation is described which is based on a recent finding that the human posterior pyriform cortex (PPC) generates predictive odor “search images” in advance of an encounter with an olfactory stimulus. The search image enhances perceptual sensitivity and allows the odor it represents to be identified without input occurring from the olfactory receptors or bulbs. Furthermore, based on the finding here that anosmics with a TBI often have normal trigeminal and gustatory function, it is proposed that normality in these chemosensory systems may indicate that key cortical regions including the PPC are intact in anosmics and capable of processing olfactory information. In addition, the results of chemosensory tests of the olfactory, gustatory, and intranasal trigeminal systems of 18 patients with a TBI are given that identify which patients would most likely benefit from the rehabilitation procedure.



目前,尚未开发出用于在创伤性脑损伤 (TBI) 后恢复嗅觉丧失患者的嗅觉的方法。这里描述了一种康复方法,该方法基于最近的一项发现,即人类后梨状皮层 (PPC) 在遇到嗅觉刺激之前会生成预测性气味“搜索图像”。搜索图像增强了感知灵敏度,并允许识别它所代表的气味,而无需来自嗅觉受体或嗅球的输入。此外,基于这里的发现,具有 TBI 的嗅觉异常通常具有正常的三叉神经和味觉功能,建议这些化学感觉系统的正常性可能表明包括 PPC 在内的关键皮层区域在嗅觉异常中是完整的并且能够处理嗅觉信息。此外,