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Stop! Go! What Can We Learn About Family Planning From Birth Timing in Settler South Africa, 1835-1950?
Demography ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-01 , DOI: 10.1215/00703370-9164749
Jeanne Cilliers 1 , Martine Mariotti 2, 3

We revisit the discussion on family limitation through stopping and spacing behavior before and during the fertility transition with a sample of 12,800 settler women's birth histories in nineteenth- and twentieth-century South Africa. Using cure models that allow us to separate those who stop childbearing from those who continue, we find no evidence of parity-specific spacing before the transition. We do find evidence of non-parity-based birth postponement before the transition. Increased stopping and parity-independent postponement characterized the beginning of the fertility transition, with increased parity-specific spacing following later in the transition phase.


停止!走!我们可以从 1835 年至 1950 年的南非定居者的出生时间中学到什么关于计划生育的知识?

我们以 19 世纪和 20 世纪南非的 12,800 名定居妇女的出生史为样本,重新讨论通过在生育转变之前和期间通过停止和间隔行为来限制家庭的讨论。使用允许我们将停止生育的人与继续生育的人分开的治疗模型,我们没有发现过渡前特定胎次间隔的证据。我们确实发现了过渡前非基于胎次的生育推迟的证据。停止和与胎次无关的延迟增加是生育转变开始的特征,在过渡阶段后期会增加特定胎次间隔。