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Effects of Dehumidification on the Survivorship of Four Psocid Species
Journal of Economic Entomology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-12 , DOI: 10.1093/jee/toab066
Abena F Ocran 1 , George P Opit 1 , Bruce H Noden 1 , Frank H Arthur 2 , Bradford M Kard 1

Psocids are damaging stored-product pests. In this study, eggs and early-instar nymphs, adults, and all life stages of Liposcelis entomophila, L. decolor, L. bostrychophila, and L. paeta were subjected to 43, 50, or 75% (Control) relative humidity (RH) for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16 d at 30.0°C. All adults of these species died within 8 d at both 43 and 50% RH, except for L. bostrychophila, which required 12 d at 50% RH for 100% mortality to occur. For all life stages and eggs and early-instar nymphs, maximum survival times (times to 100% mortality) at 43 or 50% RH for L. entomophila, L. decolor, L. bostrychophila, and L. paeta, were 8 and 10 d, 8 and 12 d, 12 and 14 d, and 12 and 16 d, respectively. During this study, numbers of nymphs and adults of all species 14 d after the RH treatments increased within the 75% RH Control arenas. Different species and life stages responded differently to 43 and 50% RH, as time to kill all stages of the four psocid species was 8–12 and 10–16 d, respectively. Results indicate that using a specific RH environment may be effective in psocid management.



Psocids 正在破坏储存产品的害虫。在这项研究中,虫卵和幼虫、成虫以及 Liposcelis entomophila、L. decolor、L. bostrychophila 和 L. paeta 的所有生命阶段都处于 43、50 或 75%(对照)的相对湿度(RH ) 在 30.0°C 下 2、4、6、8、10、12、14 或 16 天。这些物种的所有成虫在 43% 和 50% RH 下都在 8 天内死亡,除了 L. bostrychophila,它需要在 50% RH 下 12 天才能发生 100% 死亡率。对于所有生命阶段以及卵和早龄若虫,在 43% 或 50% 相对湿度下,L. entomophila、L. decolor、L. bostrychophila 和 L. paeta 的最大存活时间(至 100% 死亡率)分别为 8 和 10 d、8 和 12 d、12 和 14 d、12 和 16 d,分别。在这项研究中,在 75% RH 控制区域内,在 RH 处理后 14 天,所有物种的若虫和成虫数量都增加了。不同的物种和生命阶段对 43% 和 50% RH 的反应不同,因为杀死四种 psoid 物种的所有阶段的时间分别为 8-12 和 10-16 天。结果表明,使用特定的 RH 环境可能对psocid 管理有效。