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Roadmap on emerging concepts in the physical biology of bacterial biofilms: from surface sensing to community formation
Physical Biology ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-23 , DOI: 10.1088/1478-3975/abdc0e
Gerard C L Wong 1, 2, 3 , Jyot D Antani 4 , Pushkar P Lele 4 , Jing Chen 5 , Beiyan Nan 6 , Marco J Kühn 7 , Alexandre Persat 7 , Jean-Louis Bru 8 , Nina Molin Høyland-Kroghsbo 9 , Albert Siryaporn 8, 10 , Jacinta C Conrad 11 , Francesco Carrara 12 , Yutaka Yawata 13, 14 , Roman Stocker 12 , Yves V Brun 15 , Gregory B Whitfield 15 , Calvin K Lee 1, 2, 3 , Jaime de Anda 1, 2, 3 , William C Schmidt 1, 2, 3 , Ramin Golestanian 16, 17 , George A O'Toole 18 , Kyle A Floyd 19 , Fitnat H Yildiz 19 , Shuai Yang 20 , Fan Jin 20 , Masanori Toyofuku 13, 14 , Leo Eberl 21 , Nobuhiko Nomura 13, 14 , Lori A Zacharoff 22, 23 , Mohamed Y El-Naggar 22, 23, 24 , Sibel Ebru Yalcin 25, 26 , Nikhil S Malvankar 25, 26 , Mauricio D Rojas-Andrade 27 , Allon I Hochbaum 8, 27, 28, 29 , Jing Yan 30 , Howard A Stone 31 , Ned S Wingreen 32, 33 , Bonnie L Bassler 32, 34 , Yilin Wu 35 , Haoran Xu 35 , Knut Drescher 36, 37 , Jörn Dunkel 38

Bacterial biofilms are communities of bacteria that exist as aggregates that can adhere to surfaces or be free-standing. This complex, social mode of cellular organization is fundamental to the physiology of microbes and often exhibits surprising behavior. Bacterial biofilms are more than the sum of their parts: single-cell behavior has a complex relation to collective community behavior, in a manner perhaps cognate to the complex relation between atomic physics and condensed matter physics. Biofilm microbiology is a relatively young field by biology standards, but it has already attracted intense attention from physicists. Sometimes, this attention takes the form of seeing biofilms as inspiration for new physics. In this roadmap, we highlight the work of those who have taken the opposite strategy: we highlight the work of physicists and physical scientists who use physics to engage fundamental concepts in bacterial biofilm microbiology, including adhesion, sensing, motility, signaling, memory, energy flow, community formation and cooperativity. These contributions are juxtaposed with microbiologists who have made recent important discoveries on bacterial biofilms using state-of-the-art physical methods. The contributions to this roadmap exemplify how well physics and biology can be combined to achieve a new synthesis, rather than just a division of labor.



