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Novelty Detection in Memory for Common and Uncommon Odors Over Short Delays.
Chemical Senses ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1093/chemse/bjab013
Elizabeth S Wenzel 1 , E Leslie Cameron 1 , Per Møller 2 , Egon P Köster 3

Odor memory is commonly believed to be very strong and long-lasting. The present study examined factors that impact odor recognition memory over short delay intervals (immediately or 30-seconds after target presentation) with emphasis on memory task (forced-choice vs "monadic"/single stimulus yes/no), odor category, and target/foil relationship. We explored trial-by-trial confidence as well as the effect of target familiarity, pleasantness, and intensity ratings, and odor nameability on memory for odors. Overall odor recognition memory in terms of proportion correct and sensitivity measures did not decline significantly during the 30-second delay interval in either task. However, hit rates were lower at 30 seconds and correct rejection rates for common odors remained consistently high. Recognition memory was better on trials in which the odor pairs were highly dissimilar, as well as on trials in which the target was an uncommon odor, particularly if it could be named. Familiarity, pleasantness and intensity had no systematic effect on recognition memory. Whereas the results provide evidence of a fading memory trace, indicated by the decreased hit rates after a 30-second delay, the constant rates of correct rejections and high confidence ratings on those trials, even after delay, suggests that novelty detection (i.e., recognition that an odor is not one that has been encountered previously in that context) may play an important role in the memory for odors over short delays. Whether there is a separate short-term odor memory store is also addressed.



通常认为气味记忆非常强且持久。本研究研究了在短延时间隔(目标呈现后立即或30秒)内影响气味识别记忆的因素,重点是记忆任务(强迫选择与“单声道” /单刺激是/否),气味类别和目标/铝箔关系。我们探索了逐项试验的置信度,以及目标熟悉度,愉悦性和强度等级以及气味命名能力对气味记忆的影响。在任何一项任务中,在30秒的延迟间隔内,按比例正确和敏感度衡量的总体气味识别记忆均未显着下降。但是,命中率在30秒时较低,常见气味的正确排除率始终保持较高水平。在气味对高度不同的试验中以及在目标物是不常见气味的试验中,识别记忆更好,特别是如果可以命名的话。熟悉程度,愉快程度和强度对识别记忆没有系统性影响。虽然结果提供了记忆痕迹褪色的证据,如延迟30秒后的命中率降低,则表明这些试验的恒定拒绝率和高置信度等级(即使延迟也是如此)表明新颖性检测(即,识别气味不是在这种情况下以前遇到过的气味)可能会在短暂延迟的气味记忆中发挥重要作用。还解决了是否有单独的短期气味存储库。以及在目标气味不常见的试验中,特别是如果可以命名的话。熟悉程度,愉快程度和强度对识别记忆没有系统性影响。虽然结果提供了记忆痕迹褪色的证据,如延迟30秒后的命中率降低,则表明这些试验的恒定拒绝率和高置信度等级(即使延迟也是如此)表明新颖性检测(即,识别气味不是在这种情况下以前遇到过的气味)可能会在短暂延迟的气味记忆中发挥重要作用。还解决了是否有单独的短期气味存储库。以及在目标气味不常见的试验中,特别是如果可以命名的话。熟悉程度,愉快程度和强度对识别记忆没有系统性影响。虽然结果提供了记忆痕迹褪色的证据,如延迟30秒后的命中率降低,则表明这些试验的恒定拒绝率和高置信度等级(即使延迟也是如此)表明新颖性检测(即,识别气味不是在这种情况下以前遇到过的气味)可能会在短暂延迟的气味记忆中发挥重要作用。还解决了是否有单独的短期气味存储库。虽然结果提供了记忆痕迹褪色的证据,如延迟30秒后的命中率降低,则表明这些试验的恒定拒绝率和高置信度等级(即使延迟也是如此)表明新颖性检测(即,识别气味不是在这种情况下以前遇到过的气味)可能会在短暂延迟的气味记忆中发挥重要作用。还解决了是否有单独的短期气味存储库。虽然结果提供了记忆痕迹褪色的证据,如延迟30秒后的命中率降低,则表明这些试验的恒定拒绝率和高置信度等级(即使延迟也是如此)表明新颖性检测(即,识别气味不是在这种情况下以前遇到过的气味)可能会在短暂延迟的气味记忆中发挥重要作用。还解决了是否有单独的短期气味存储库。认识到气味不是在那种情况下以前已经遇到过的气味)可能在短时延迟的气味记忆中起重要作用。还解决了是否有单独的短期气味存储库。认识到气味不是在那种情况下以前已经遇到过的气味)可能在短时延迟的气味记忆中起重要作用。还解决了是否有单独的短期气味存储库。