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Potential interactions between an oral fosfomycin formulation and feed or drinking water: Impact on bioavailability in piglets
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1111/jvp.12966
Julieta M Decundo 1, 2 , Susana N Diéguez 1, 2, 3 , Fabián A Amanto 4 , Guadalupe Martínez 1, 2 , Denisa S Pérez Gaudio 1, 2 , María B Fernández Paggi 1, 2, 4 , Agustina Romanelli 1, 2, 5 , Alejandro L Soraci 1, 2

Feed and drinking water are the most frequently used vehicles for administration of antibiotics in intensive pig production. Interactions of drugs with feed and water components may affect dissolution and bioavailability. Therefore, antibiotic formulations should be tested in order to assure their suitability for oral use. In this study, an oral fosfomycin (FOS) formulation was evaluated considering dissolution in water (soft and hard), release kinetics from feed in simulated gastrointestinal fluids and bioavailability after oral administration blended into feed or dissolved in water (soft and hard), to fed and fasted piglets. FOS reached immediate dissolution in soft and hard water. The presence of feed significantly decreased antibiotic dissolution in simulated intestinal medium. Bioavailability was lower when feed was used as a vehicle for FOS administration than when the drug was dissolved in water (soft or hard). The fed or fasted condition of piglets did not affect bioavailability. Probably, FOS interactions with feed components alter its dissolution in the gastrointestinal tract, and only a fraction of the dose would be available for absorption. This information must be considered to support decisions on eligibility of antibiotic pharmaceutical formulations and the vehicle for their administration in order to pursue a responsible use of antibiotics.



饲料和饮用水是集约化养猪生产中最常用的抗生素管理工具。药物与饲料和水成分的相互作用可能会影响溶出度和生物利用度。因此,应测试抗生素制剂以确保其适合口服。在这项研究中,评估了口服磷霉素 (FOS) 制剂在水中的溶解度(软和硬)、在模拟胃肠液中从饲料中的释放动力学以及口服混合到饲料中或溶于水(软和硬)后的生物利用度,以喂食和禁食的仔猪。FOS 在软水和硬水中立即溶解。饲料的存在显着降低了抗生素在模拟肠道介质中的溶解。当饲料用作 FOS 给药的载体时,生物利用度低于将药物溶解在水(软或硬)中时的生物利用度。仔猪的进食或禁食状况不影响生物利用度。FOS 与饲料成分的相互作用可能会改变其在胃肠道中的溶解度,并且只有一小部分剂量可用于吸收。必须考虑这些信息来支持关于抗生素药物制剂的资格及其管理工具的决定,以便负责任地使用抗生素。并且只有一小部分剂量可用于吸收。必须考虑这些信息来支持关于抗生素药物制剂的资格及其管理工具的决定,以便负责任地使用抗生素。并且只有一小部分剂量可用于吸收。必须考虑这些信息来支持关于抗生素药物制剂的资格及其管理工具的决定,以便负责任地使用抗生素。